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Envelope Contact Global Health

Program Activities

Photo of a group of people learning to administer CPR.

Source: QA/WD Project

USAID's assistance in the area of health systems is an integral part of creating effective basic services in maternal and child health and other priority services. Since the inception of the program, USAID's Global Health Systems Program has implemented a wide array of program activities:

  • Broadening political and popular support for family planning/reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, and safe motherhood policies and programs

  • Building communication capacity of institutions to effectively reach non-technical audiences

  • Building national and regional capacity to participate in policy development

  • Conducting capacity building and institutionalizing national health accounts

  • Conducting innovative national health accounts analysis

  • Conducting operations research to advance the field of quality improvement by testing and documenting approaches in international settings

  • Developing and disseminating evidence-based drug and therapeutic information

  • Developing computer-based learning tools to support improvement in health care quality

  • Improving performance monitoring systems to track results

  • Institutionalizing national and regional quality assurance activities

  • Participating in stakeholder analysis, such as institutional and political mapping to manage and influence health sector reform

  • Promoting community-based insurance programs

  • Providing continuing pharmaceutical education to health care providers

  • Strengthening monitoring and evaluation capabilities
Each country program provides assistance to strengthen health systems, assuring durable and effective services will continue beyond the period of USAID support.


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