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Envelope Contact Global Health

Policy Reform

USAID works with host-country governments to ensure a supportive policy environment for family planning/reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, infectious diseases, and maternal health services . Some of the goals of policy reform are to ensure access to high-quality services, secure adequate resources for public health and social development programs, strengthen policymaking processes, promote human rights and gender equality, strengthen multisectoral collaboration, adopt more efficient payment systems, and ensure long-term sustainability. Through the development and implementation of health care reforms and strengthened policymaking processes, USAID helps ensure that health systems worldwide are more effective, efficient, and equitable.

Photo of a community meeting in Tanzania.

Source: PHRplus

Policy reform is implemented through changes in government policy statements, public health priorities, laws, regulations, taxes, subsidies, and the respective roles of government units and private voluntary and commercial entities. Stakeholder analysis and tools such as institutional, political, and interest mapping can also help manage and influence the health policy reform process.

USAID embraces multisectoral collaboration and capacity building with government agencies, civil society groups, private sector organizations, and research institutions in developing and implementing policies. This approach is key to ensuring political and popular support. Building in-country partner capacity in the policymaking process is fundamental to empowering communities, encouraging broad-based participation, and ensuring program effectiveness and sustainability.

Through the Health Systems 20/20 Program, USAID is ensuring a supportive health policy environment worldwide.

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