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A Website For Teens & Young Adults with OCD!

Organized Chaos: Volume 9 is now online!

[read the latest articles]

The purpose of Organized Chaos is to provide you with a teen/young adults-only web site for learning about OCD. You'll be given the tools needed to overcome the isolation OCD fosters, and a forum for creatively expressing your personal trials, tribulations and triumphs.

The core of the Organized Chaos Web Site is the Organized Chaos Webzine.

The Webzine's name, Organized Chaos, originated from the collective imaginations of the kids working on the premiere issue at the Menninger Clinic. Those kids, felt that “organized chaos” aptly described how life by someone with OCD is lived.

Some of the articles in the Organized Chaos Webzine were written by kids, or young adults, who have OCD and decided to share their personal experiences. They did this to help others, and to make every reader realize that you are not alone when dealing with OCD. Several OCD experts wrote the remainder of the articles in the Webzine. [Click Here] to find out more about our Webzine contributors.

We're hoping you'll like the Organized Chaos Webzine … and that you'll contribute to future issues of the 'zine. (Yes, you can see your name in lights!) Details on how to become a contributor are in the Webzine.

If you have any opinions on an article, story or feature, e-mail us at pperkins@ocfoundation.org.
