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Oral cancer resources


Knowledge and information are empowering, and chance favors the prepared mind. Whether you are a patient, supporter / family member, or caregiver, the more informed you are, the better decisions you will make in relationship to oral cancer. This list of resources on the web is constantly being updated. You will find support organizations, data bases, governmental agencies which deal with cancer, private cancer foundations and societies, cancer treatment and research centers, and sites related to individual caregivers who are members of the Oral Cancer Foundation. If you would like to be added to our resources list, please contact us at

Link your site to the OCF site or its content.


We encourage you to put a link on your site to us as well. In this way we will all be able to help those in need of vital information and contacts. You may link to the entry page to the site or to any content page you belive will help people visiting your site. Please remember that the content of the OCF site is protected under copywrite and only links to it are permitted. In listing the foundation on your site you may use the foundation's logo. Below is the code:

Government Organizations


FDA Cancer Tools

FDA Cancer Tools contains a variety of information related to cancer and approved cancer drug therapies.

The National Cancer Institute

  • NCI Public Inquiries Office
  • Building 31, Room 10A03
  • 31 Center Drive, MSC 2580
  • Bethesda, MD 20892-2580
  • 1-800-4-CANCER

National Health Information Society

  • Referral Specialist
  • P.O. Box 1133
  • Washington, DC 20013-1133
  • 1-800-336-4797

The National Health Information Center (NHIC) is a health information referral service. NHIC puts health professionals and consumers who have health questions in touch with those organizations that are best able to provide answers.

National Oral Health Information Clearing House

  • 1 Nohic Way
  • Bethesda, MD 20892-3500
  • 301-402-7364

A service of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, they provide resources and a variety of health-related materials and educational resources that fall outside the scope of more technical, research-based collections. It has a strong patient education focus and highlights materials such as fact sheets, brochures, videocassettes, newsletter articles, catalogs, and other educational resources for patients and professionals.

National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research

National Institutes of Health

  • Bethesda, MD 20892-3500
  • 301-496-4261.

The mission of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) is to promote the general health of the American people by improving their oral, dental and craniofacial health. The NIDCR aims to promote health, to prevent diseases and conditions, and to develop new diagnostics and therapeutics.

National Coalition For Cancer Survivorship

  • 1010 Wayne Ave. Ste.770
  • Silver Spring, MD 20910
  • 301-650-9127
  • 877- NCCS-YES

NCCS brings together cancer-related research organizations and institutions, cancer support and advocacy groups, and thousands of cancer survivors to work together in addressing the needs of those living with cancer.

SEER Program

The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program of the National Cancer Institute is the most authoritative source of information on cancer incidence and survival in the United States. Case ascertainment for SEER began on January 1, 1973

The SEER Program currently collects and publishes cancer incidence and survival data from 11 population-based cancer registries and three supplemental registries covering approximately 14 percent of the US population. The expansion registries increase the coverage to approximately 26 percent. Information on more than 3 million in situ and invasive cancer cases is included in the SEER database, and approximately 170,000 new cases are accessioned each year within the SEER catchment areas. The SEER Registries routinely collect data on patient demographics, primary tumor site, morphology, stage at diagnosis, first course of treatment, and follow-up for vital status. The SEER Program is the only comprehensive source of population-based information in the United States that includes stage of cancer at the time of diagnosis and survival rates within each stage. The mortality data reported by SEER are provided by the National Center for Health Statistics.

Cancer organizations / Foundations


American Cancer Society

Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Research Foundation

  • P.O. Box 442
  • Needham, MA 02492

The Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Research Foundation (ACCRF) seeks to accelerate the development of improved therapies and a cure for adenoid cystic carcinoma, a rare malignancy that typically originates in the salivary glands and other regions of the head and neck. In pursuit of its mission, ACCRF works to build a community of interested researchers who collaborate in implementing an innovative Research Agenda."

Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Organization International

  • P.O. Box 15482
  • San Diego, CA 92175-5482

Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Organization International (“ACCOI”) is dedicated to furthering research, raising awareness and providing education regarding the rare cancer adenoid cystic carcinoma (“ACC”). ACCOI’s website provides ACC patients and caregivers with information on research, clinical trials, treatment, organizations offering help with medical expenses, and much more. In addition to ACCOI’s website, ACCOI maintains an online support group for ACC patients and caregivers, and an online doctors’ forum where doctors with an interest in ACC can share information on treatment and research. ACCOI also provides a quarterly newsletter in hard copy to various hospitals, as well as at its website.

American Society of Clinical Oncology

  • 1900 Duke Street Suite 200
  • Alexandria, VA 22314
  • 703-299-0150

The American Society of Clinical Oncology is a nonprofit organization, which represents 15,000 cancer professionals worldwide; the society offers scientific and educational programs and a wide range of other initiatives intended to foster the exchange of information about cancer.

Association of Cancer Online Resources

  • 173 Duane Street, Suite 3A
  • New York NY 10013-3334
  • (212)-226-5525

ACOR offers information and support through its integrated sytem of online discussion groups.
To further its mission, ACOR creates specific websites and also hosts a growing number of websites, created by:

* Patients for patients and caregivers.
many of those websites are considered to be clearly among the best sites for a particular disease or condition.
* Cancer Advocacy Organizations, many of which were created directly from the membership of an ACOR mailing list.
* Professional Organizations.
ACOR volunteers have also created a growing number of disease specific websites.

Association of Oncology Social Work

  • 4700 W. Lake Ave.
  • Glenview, IL 60025-1485
  • 847-375-4721
  • FAX 877-734-8752

The Association of Oncology Social Work (AOSW) is a non-profit, international organization dedicated to increasing awareness about the social, emotional, educational, and spiritual needs of cancer patients. AOSW's mission is to advance excellence in the psychosocial care of persons with cancer, their families, and caregivers through: Networking. Education, Advocacy, Research and Resource Development. It supports its members' commitment to helping and advocating for cancer patients by providing continuing education through conferences and publications; promoting clinical research; and fostering networking to address common issues and concerns. It is involved in numerous collaborative efforts with other national and international oncology organizations to advocate for the support and care of people with cancer.

CancerCare Inc.

  • 275 7th Ave
  • New York, NY 10001
  • 1-800-813-HOPE

Since 1944, Cancer Care has been dedicated to providing emotional support, information, and practical help to people with cancer and their loved ones. They have helped over two million people nationwide through toll-free Counseling Lines and teleconference programs, their office-based services, and via the Internet. All services are provided free of charge and are available to people of all ages, with all types of cancer, at any stage of the disease. Their reach, including its cancer awareness initiatives, also extends to family members, caregivers, and professionals, providing vital information and assistance.

Cancer-related fatigue is the most common and debilitating side effect of cancer and its treatment. In fact, most people living with cancer, and especially those living with lung cancer, experience mild to extreme fatigue. A recent survey shows cancer-related fatigue affects 76% of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. The Oncology Nursing Society has developed this Web site to provide you with multiple resources to get the information you need about cancer fatigue.

Fertile Hope

  • PO Box 624
  • New York, NY 10014
  • (888) 994-HOPE

Fertile Hope is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to providing reproductive information, support and hope to cancer patients whose medical treatments present the risk of infertility. Fertile Hope is currently pursuing strategies in the following five areas: research, awareness, education, financial assistance and support. The organization will strive to advance fertility research, help advance the understanding of fertility risks and preservation options, allow and encourage personal educated decisions, make preservation treatments available regardless of economic status and help patients cope with important family planning issues. Founded in October 2001.

The Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF)

The Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF) exists to enhance the quality of life for those living with, through, and beyond cancer. Founded in 1997 by cancer survivor and champion cyclist Lance Armstrong, the LAF seeks to promote the optimal physical, psychological, social recovery and care of cancer survivors and their loved ones. The LAF works to define, refine and improve services for cancer survivors and to facilitate the delivery of those services—with a large dose of hope—to patients, their families, and other loved ones touched by the disease.

People Living With Cancer

People Living With Cancer, the patient information website of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), provides oncologist-approved information on more than 50 types of cancer and their treatments, clinical trials, coping, and side effects. Additional resources include a Find an Oncologist database, live chats, message boards, a drug database, and links to patient support organizations. The site is designed to help people with cancer make informed health-care decisions.

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) is a not for profit, tax-exempt corporation that is an alliance of the world's leading cancer centers. Established in 1995 to enhance the leadership role of member institutions in the evolving managed care environment, the NCCN seeks to support and strengthen the mission of member institutions in three basic areas:

  1. To provide state-of-the-art cancer care to the greatest number of patients in need;
  2. To advance the state of the art in cancer prevention, screening, diagnosis and treatment through excellence in basic and clinical research;
  3. To enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of cancer care delivery through the ongoing collection, synthesis and analysisof outcomes data.

Shared Experience

Shared experience is a non-profit, searchable
collection of first-hand accounts by cancer patients, their caregivers and loved ones. There are over 1900 experiences posted. Individuals may leave their email addresses and communicate with others through this website. While not specific to oral cancer, there is a wealth of posted stories about dealing with the cancer experience itself.

Support for People with head and Neck Cancer (SPOHNC)

  • POB 53
  • Locust Valley, NY 11560
  • (800) 377-0928

A patient support organization that provides group and individual emotional support. Through this service, survivors or their family members are matched with volunteers who have had a similar diagnosis and treatment program. These volunteers offer survivors information, support, hope and encouragement. A newsletter is available by paid subscription 9 times per year.

Quackwatch, Inc

Quackwatch, Inc., a member of Consumer Federation of America, is a nonprofit corporation whose purpose is to combat health-related frauds, myths, fads, and fallacies. Its primary focus is on quackery-related information that is difficult or impossible to get elsewhere. Founded by Dr. Stephen Barrett in 1969 as the Lehigh Valley Committee Against Health Fraud, it was incorporated in 1970. In 1997, it assumed its current name and began developing a worldwide network of volunteers and expert advisors.

Vital Options

Vital Options® TeleSupport® Cancer Network is a not-for-profit cancer communications, support and advocacy organization dedicated to using communications technology to help people cope with cancer and whose mission is to facilitate a global cancer dialogue. Vital Options is the producer of The Group Room®—the nationally syndicated radio call-in cancer talk show which reaches more than half-a-million radio listeners each Sunday throughout the United States as well as others worldwide who hear the show simulcast live over the Internet( This interactive website also provides cancer information and resources, as well as access to past broadcasts of The Group Room and toll free phone numbers for callers in the United States (1-800-GRP-ROOM; 1-800-477-7666) and Europe to enter live on-air discussions.

WebWhispers ( Laryngectomy site)

WebWhispers was started in 1996 for those who had questions about larynx cancer treatments, surgery, recovery, and what life is like after laryngectomy surgery.  We are now the largest support group for individual Laryngectomy survivors of larynx and other throat cancers.  We offer advice from those who have been there and education at the time it is needed.

The Yul Brynner Head and Neck Cancer Foundation

  • P.O. Box 250582
  • Charleston, SC 29425
  • 843-792-6624
  • FAX: 843-792-0546

Cancer Centers


NCI-designated Cancer Centers

Resource list

This is the list of National Cancer Institute approved cancer centers in the US, listed by state alphabetically. The National Cancer Institute provides funding for research. Institutions apply for NCI designation (the selection is done through a peer-review process), and the term "NCI-designated" primarily has to do with the facility's research interests --- not the quality or scope of patient care.

An NCI-designated comprehensive cancer center means that the institution is involved in research in three areas: laboratory, clinical and population-based. All NCI-designated comprehensive cancer centers also treat patients. An NCI-designated cancer center concentrates research in one or two of those areas, and a few of these facilities -- like the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia or the Salk Institute in San Diego -- do research only. Further information is available here

MD Anderson Cancer Center

  • 1515 Holcombe Blvd.
  • Houston, TX 77030
  • 1-800-392-1611

Consistently rated by independent survey, the number one head and neck cancer facility in the world. For the last 5 years it has juggled for this position with Memorial Sloan Kettering.

The James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute

  • 300 West 10th Avenue, Suite 519
  • Columbus, Ohio, 43210
  • 1-800-293-5066

The Johns Hopkins Oncology Center

  • 600 North Wolfe Street
  • Baltimore, Maryland 21287-8943
  • 410-955-8964

Greenbaum Cancer Center

Head and Neck Center

  • 22 South Greene Street
  • Baltimore, MD 21201
  • 1-800-492-5538

The Mayo Clinic

  • 00 First St. S.W.
  • Rochester, MN 55905
  • 507-284-2511

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

  • 1275 York Avenue
  • New York, NY 10021
  • 212-639-2000

Consistently rated by independent survey, the number one head and neck cancer facility in the world. For the last 5 years it has juggled for this position with MD Anderson Cancer Center.

UCLA Medical Center

  • 10833 Le Conte Ave.
  • Los Angeles 90095
  • 310-825-9111

UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center

  • 8-684 Factor Building
  • Box 951781
  • Los Angeles, CA 90095-1781
  • 310-825-5268

UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center (JCCC) has established an international reputation for developing new cancer therapies, providing the best in experimental and traditional treatments, and expertly guiding and training the next generation of medical researchers. Site also has a searchable database.

Other Treatment Facilities and Research Centers (Links)


Medical Databases


Cancer terminology dictionary.

A comprehensive dictionary of terms which will assist you in understanding terms that your doctors may use in relationship to cancer. Part of the National Cancer Institute website.

NORC "The Best Hospitals"

Using original survey data and secondary analyses of data from the American Hospital Association and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, NORC creates an Index of Hospital Quality on an annual basis. This index has three components designed to represent three key aspects of care-structure, process, and outcome.

Hospitals Worldwide

This is a general listing of hospitals, but does not rank them, and is for finding contact information of those close to a specific location that may be entered by the database user.


Provides the most current medical information and services that provide reliable, digital clinical data and up-to-date information to healthcare professionals and consumers.


CancerNet provides current and accurate cancer information from the National Cancer Institute, the Federal Government's principal agency for cancer research. You will find a wide range of cancer information, including treatment options, clinical trials, ways to reduce cancer risk, and ways to cope with cancer.

Doctor's Guide to the Internet


OncoLink was founded in 1994 by Penn cancer specialists with a mission to help cancer patients, families, health care professionals and the general public get accurate cancer-related information at no charge.

Oral Cancer Gene Database

Database containing information about genes which are targets for cancer-causing mutations in oral cancers.

Focus On Cancer

A comprehensive site with information on cancer testing, procedures, medications, and treatment.

The Food and Drug Administration

This web page contains a listing of drugs approved for oncology use, indication for use, and who makes them.

Palliative Care


PDF This is a well thought out set of guidelines from the NCCN on this very important topic.

Professional Societies


The American Association for Cancer Research

  • Public Ledger Building, Suite 826
  • 150 South Independence Mall West
  • Philadelphia, PA 19106-3483
  • Phone: (215) 440-9300
  • Fax: (215) 440-9313

The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), a scientific society of over 17,000 laboratory and clinical cancer researchers, was founded in 1907 to facilitate communication and dissemination of knowledge among scientists and others dedicated to the cancer problem; to foster research in cancer and related biomedical sciences; to encourage presentation and discussion of new and important observations in the field; to foster public education, science education, and training; and to advance the understanding of cancer etiology, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment throughout the world.

American Board of Medical Specialties

  • 1007 Church Street, Suite 404
  • Evanston, IL 60201-5913
  • Phone Verification (866) ASK-ABMS
  • Phone: (847) 491-9091
  • Fax: (847) 328-3596

The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) is an organization of 24 approved medical specialty boards.  The intent of the certification of physicians is to provide assurance to the public that those certified by an ABMS Member Board have successfully completed an approved training program and an evaluation process assessing their ability to provide quality patient care in the specialty. The ABMS serves to coordinate the activities of its Member Boards and to provide information to others concerning issues involving specialization and certification of medical specialists.


American Academey of Oral Medicine

  • P.O. Box 2016,
  • Edmonds, Washington 98020-9516
  • Phone (425) 778-6162
  • Fax (425) 771-9588

Oral Medicine is the specialty of dentistry concerned with the oral health care of medically complex patients and with the diagnosis and non-surgical management of medically-related disorders or conditions affecting the oral and maxillofacial region. These doctors are usually associated with teaching institutions and treatment facilities, but a few are in private practice. They are ideal individuals for the diagnosis of suspect tissues  in the oral environment, to determine if and what disease state exists, such as oral cancer.

American Head and Neck Society
  • 11300 W. Olympic Blvd, Suite 600
  • Los Angeles, CA 90064
  • Phone: (310) 437-0559
  • Fax: (310) 437-0585

In 1998, The American Head and Neck Society (AHNS) became the single largest organization in North America for the advancement of research and education in head and neck oncology. The merger of two societies, the American Society for Head and Neck Surgery and the Society of Head and Neck Surgeons, formed the American Head and Neck Society. The society was formed to promote and advance the knowledge of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of neoplasms and other diseases of the head and neck

American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

  • One Prince Street
  • Alexandria, VA 22314-3357
  • 703-836-4444

The world's largest society of physicians who treat disorders of the ear, nose, and throat and related structures of the head and neck.

Find an ENT web resource

The special skills of otolaryngologist ENT’s include diagnosing and managing diseases of the sinuses, larynx (voice box), oral cavity, and upper pharynx (mouth and throat), as well as structures of the neck and face. Otolaryngologists diagnose, treat, and manage specialty-specific disorders as well as many primary care problems in both children and adults. This web resource will allow you to find an ENT otolaryngologist in any geographic area in the US by searching using an area code or geographic location.

American Dental Association

  • 211 E. Chicago Ave.
  • Chicago, IL 60611
  • 312-440-2500

The ADA is the professional association of dentists dedicated to serving both the public and the profession of dentistry. The ADA assists in education, research, advocacy and the development of standards in the dental industry.

American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

  • 9700 West Bryn Mawr Avenue
  • Rosemont, IL 60018-5701
  • 847-678-6200

AAOMS is a professional association of oral and maxillofacial surgeons and is dedicated to promoting the highest quality of patient care and education. If a dentist finds an area of suspect tissue in your mouth, this is the group of doctors they will most likely refer you to for a biopsy.

American Society of Clinical Oncology

  • 1900 Duke Street Suite 200
  • Alexandria, VA 22314
  • 703-299-0150

The American Society of Clinical Oncology is a nonprofit organization, which represents 15,000 cancer professionals worldwide; the Society offers scientific and educational programs and a wide range of other initiatives intended to foster the exchange of information about cancer.

American Speach-Language-Hearing Association

  • 10801 Rockville Pike
  • Rockville, MD 20852

This site has excellent information and resources related to speech and swallowing disorders, both which may affect those who have had surgery for oral cancer. References to therapists are also on this link.

The American Dental Hygienists' Association

  • 444 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 3400
  • Chicago, IL 60611
  • 312-440-8900

The mission of the ADHA is to advance the art and science of dental hygiene by increasing the awareness of, and ensuring access to, quality, cost-effective oral health care. Site has good oral cancer information.

American Association of Cancer Research

  • Public Ledger Building, Suite 826
  • 150 South Independence Mall West
  • Philadelphia, PA 19106-3483
  • 215-440-9300

The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), a scientific society of over 15,000 laboratory and clinical cancer researchers, was founded in 1907 to facilitate communication and dissemination of knowledge among scientists and others dedicated to the cancer problem; to foster research in cancer and related biomedical sciences; to encourage presentation and discussion of new and important observations in the field; to foster public education, science education, and training; and to advance the understanding of cancer etiology, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment throughout the world.

American Society for Therapeutic Radiology And Oncology (ASTRO)
  • 8280 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive, Suite 500
  • Fairfax, VA 22031
  • Phone: 703.502.1550
  • Fax: 703.502.7852

Created by physician members of the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, Radiation Therapy Answers (RT Answers) explains how radiation is used safely and effectively used to treat cancer. It contains pictures and descriptions of the types of radiation therapy used to treat cancer, including external beam radiation therapy, 3D conformal radiation therapy (3D-CRT), intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), proton therapy and brachytherapy, also called seed implants. It includes a Doctor Finder feature to allow you to find an oncologist in your area as well as a dictionary that defines common terms and a list of questions to ask your doctor before deciding on a treatment. Visitors can also request hard copies of brochures on the site.



  • 1310 Redwood Way
  • Petaluma, CA 94954
  • (800) 767-8725

Camelbak is the manufacturer of unique hydration systems such as fanny pack style water containers, and other designs which may be added to a jacket or backpack. They eliminate the need to carry a sports bottle of water in your hand. Ideal for those who have xerostomia as a result of their radiation treatments or medications.

Laclede, Inc.

  • 2030 East University Drive
  • Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220
  • 310-605-4280

Specialty products for post treatment dental health, including products to help relieve dry mouth that is caused by radiation treatments.


Atos Medical

  • P.O. Box 183
  • SE-242 22 Hörby
  • Sweden

As a worldwide ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) company Atos Medical offers high quality innovative products within laryngology, otology, rhinology and also oral and maxillofacial rehabilitation


Clinical Trials



A service of the National Cancer Institute, this site helps link cancer patients to appropriate clinical trials.

Center Watch

A service listing of clinical trials throughout the United States.

The U.S. National Institutes of Health, through its National Library of Medicine, developed to provide patients, family members and members of the public current information about clinical research studies.




The Oral Cancer Advocate

This is a blog site that is unregulated and offers opinions about issues as they relate to the oral cancer issue in the US. It is a highly opinionated view of things, not all of which does the foundation agree with.


ENT/Otolaryngology Journals

ENT/Otolaryngology Associations

Medbioworld is the largest site for access to medical journals and associations in every field of health and medicine.



Tobacco and Risk Factor Cessation Help

Prevention Online (Alcohol & Substance Abuse)

US Surgeon General Tobacco Cessation Guidelines

Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality’s Treating Tobacco Use & Dependence


Foundation for a Smoke-Free America

Quit Tobacco.Com

The Stop Smoking Center

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism

Nicorette Gum Site

Nicoderm CQ Site


Nutritional Information

US Government Nutrition Site

US Department of Agriculture Nutrition Site

Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition

Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition