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About GERD


The most frequent symptoms of GERD are so common that they may not be associated with a disease. Self-diagnosis can lead to mistreatment. Consultation with a physician is essential to proper diagnosis and treatment of GERD.

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Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, affects at least an estimated 5% to 7% of the global population – men, women, and children. (Prevalence based on once per day heartburn.) Heartburn and/or acid regurgitation experienced weekly has been found to occur in 19.8% of individuals.[1]

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Although common, GERD often is unrecognized – its symptoms misunderstood. This is unfortunate because GERD is generally a treatable disease. Serious complications can result if it is not treated properly.

Persistent heartburn is the most frequent – but not the only – symptom of GERD. (The disease may be present even without apparent symptoms.) Heartburn is so common that it often is not associated with a serious disease, like GERD. All too often, GERD is either self- treated or mistreated.

GERD is a chronic disease. Treatment usually must be maintained on a long-term basis, even after symptoms have been brought under control. Issues of daily living, and compliance with long-term use of medication need to be addressed as well. This can be accomplished through follow-up, support, and education.

Various methods to effectively treat GERD range from lifestyle measures to the use of medication or surgical procedures. It is essential for individuals who suffer persistent heartburn or other chronic and recurrent symptoms of GERD to seek an accurate diagnosis, to work with their physician, and to receive the most effective treatment available.


  1. Locke GR, Talley NH, Fett SL, Zinsmeister AR, Melton LJ. Prevalence and Clinical Spectrum of Gastroesophageal Reflux: a Population-based Study in Olmsted County. Gastroenterology, 1997;112(5):1448-56.
Last modified on March 31, 2009 at 12:21:35 PM

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