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Farm ponds as critical habitats for native amphibians

Farm Pond Project Posters

Effects of Agricultural Pond Water
on the Survival of Anurans
in the Upper Midwest

.pdf file (79 KB) 79 KB
.ppt file (646 KB) 646 KB

Effects of Agricultural Pond Water

Farm Ponds Work for Wildlife

Front Farm Ponds Work for Wildlife Poster - Front  (.pdf file - 713 KB) 713 KB

Back Farm Ponds Work for Wildlife Poster - Back (.pdf file - 1.1 MB) 1.1 MB

Farm Ponds for Wildlife

Effects of wetland type and land use
practices on movement and habitat
selection by northern leopard frogs
(Rana pipiens)

.pdf file (4.4 MB) 4.4 MB
.ppt file (6.4MB) 6.4 MB

Effects of Agricultural Pond Water on the

Frogs And Toads Around Us
And Their Habitat

.pdf file (721  KB) 721 KB
.ppt file (3.2 MB) 3.6 MB

Frogs And Toads Around Us

[ UMESC file types ]
April 28, 2003

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Page Last Modified: October 2, 2007