A yellow lab walks with her partner on a deck

Asia Salet and Birdy

Having a Guide Dog by her side opened up a world of possibilities for Asia Salet. She was introduced to the freedom and independence of working with a Guide Dog some 22 years ago, and she's never turned back.

Read more of Asia's story.

Perspectives on Partnership

We love our dogs for many reasons—they're our walking partners, confidants and companions. A Guide Dog is a dog you can depend on—with your life! It's a relationship we can all learn from. Read about our mission and vision.


What We Do

We offer guide dogs and training free-of-charge to blind and visually impaired people throughout the US and Canada. What makes us different?

What's New

GDB Visa Platinum Rewards Card Sign up for the GDB Platinum Visa Rewards card
This card rewards you! Accumulate points as you use it, and GDB receives $50 for each activated account. Learn more at guidedogs.com/visa!

In this puppycam, watch video of our black Lab puppies at play.


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