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Special Analysis 2004 Image Special Analysis 2004-Paying for College: Changes Between 1990 and 2000 for Full-Time, Dependent Undergraduates- Tables
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Table SA11
Standard errors for figure 8: Percentage of full-time, full-year dependent undergraduates who received grants, and for those with grants, average amount received (in 1999 constant dollars), by source of grant and type of institution: 1989–90 and 1999–2000

  Average amount received
Source of grant 1989–90 1999–2000   1989–90 1999–2000

Pell grant          
  Public 2-year 1.9 1.6   $60 $50
  Public 4-year 1.0 0.9   40 30
  Private not-for-profit 4-year 1.5 1.2   50 50
  Private for-profit less-than-4-year 2.5 4.2   60 90
State grant          
  Public 2-year 2.1 1.7   80 70
  Public 4-year 0.9 0.7   60 40
  Private not-for-profit 4-year 1.5 1.3   90 130
  Private for-profit less-than-4-year 1.6 3.5   190 410
Institutional grant          
  Public 2-year 1.6 1.6   80 70
  Public 4-year 0.8 0.7   140 90
  Private not-for-profit 4-year 1.6 1.8   210 200
  Private for-profit less-than-4-year 1.6 2.7   260 280

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, NCES, 1989–90 and 1999–2000 National Postsecondary Student Aid Studies (NPSAS:90 and NPSAS:2000).


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