BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

San Francisco

International Market Intelligence

The Commercial Service is actively tracking the development of markets for digital media around the world.  Watch this space for our most recent reports, but if you don't see what you need please contact Kully Nelson at 415-705-2282. This page is updated frequently.    

Germany: Audiovisual Market Germany

Australia: Broadband Communications Australia

Israel: IT Market Israel

Russia: Wireless Network Solutions Russia

Singapore: Broadcast and Telecom Market Brief Singapore

Egypt: Telecommunications Market Egypt

India: Entertainment & Media Industry India

Thailand: Broadcast Industry Thailand

Switzerland: Telecommunications Market Switzerland

Chile: Computer / Software Industry Chile

Serbia: Health Sector Health Project Serbia

Malaysia: Electronic Commerce Malaysia

Canada: New Registration Obligations for Electrical Products Sold in Ontario Canada

Venezuela: Satellite Industry Overview Venezuela

Japan: Micro-electronic Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Japan

Egypt: Egypt Post Egypt

Israel: Standards in Israel Israel

Finland: ICT Market Overview Finland

Israel: Telecommunications Industry Israel

digital media symbols