Disaster Response

For more information, visit the Disasters and Humanitarian Assistance Page of the Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Relief Area of the Pan American Health Organization.

   Other Resources
   Periodical Publications
   Technical Documents


WHO/PAHO supports health response to Hurricane Ike in Cuba
Cuban medical facilities have been extensively damaged by extreme weather events in recent weeks, jeopardizing health care delivery in the country's west. In response, the World Health Organization (WHO) has secured US$524 000 to re-equip health facilities and provide maternal and child health care in Pinar del Rio province and on Isla de la Juventud, off the southern coast.(18/Sep/2008)
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WHO, partners launch appeal for $4.2 million for health response for hurricane-hit Haiti
The World Health Organization and partners urgently need US$ 4.2 million to provide health care for many of the 800 000 people - including children and pregnant women - affected by successive tropical storms in Haiti.(12/Sep/2008)
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White Helmets of Argentina and PAHO agree to strengthen regional disaster response capacity
PAHO Press Release (3/11/2008).- The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) today signed an agreement of understanding with the White Helmets Commission of Argentina to unite forces and cooperate in responding to disasters and other emergencies.
"In the current context, emergencies, whether natural or man-made, are likely to be increasingly frequent", said PAHO Director Dr. Mirta Roses.
Read more »(11/Mar/2008)
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Efectos de la Erupción del Volcán Reventador (2002) en los Sistemas de Agua y Alcantarillado
Este documento analiza los efectos de las erupciones del año 2002 en los sistemas de agua y alcantarillado de tres provincias ecuatorianas que estuvieron entre las más afectadas por el evento: las provincias del Napo, Sucumbíos y Pichincha (en esta última se ubica el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito). Tomando en cuenta tanto zonas urbanas como rurales, el texto sistematiza la información sobre el impacto de la erupción en diferentes aspectos de los sistemas de agua y alcantarillado, recoge las lecciones aprendidas sobre el fenómeno y plantea recomendaciones para afrontar eventos similares en el futuro. Así, el documento se constituye en una referencia para los interesados en delinear acciones y estrategias ante este tipo de fenómeno en otros países de América Laitna y el Caribe.(13/Sep/2006)
en español     HTML(4.67k)  

Evaluación de Necesidades en el Sector Salud con Posterioridad a Inundaciones y Huracanes
El hecho de que no sean apropiadas la sincronización y la naturaleza misma del socorro obedece en parte nada pequeña a la falta de un método adecuado para evaluar las necesidades existentes. Estas necesidades varían con arreglo a la etapa e índole del desastre: terremoto, erupción volcánica o inundación. Es necesario disponer de una metodología uniforme para evaluar rápidamente las necesidades. Si se aplicara, este método permitiría adoptar medidas correctas en el corto plazo y lo que es más importante en el caso de las inundaciones establecer un sistema de control a más largo plazo para alertar a las autoridades sanitarias con respecto a riesgos tardíos. Esta publicación es un paso en ese sentido. Presenta una metodología para seleccionar datos pertinentes de fuentes apropiadas. El método se basa en la premisa de que, por más que cada inundación ofrezca sus propias peculiaridades, se deben adoptar decisiones fundamentales que son comunes.(13/Sep/2006)
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Environmental Health Management after Natural Disasters
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en español     HTML(4.25k)  


Virtual Disaster Library -Disasters and Humanitarian Assistance
This edition of this electronic collection (available on line and on CD-ROM) incorporates the most important works published by the Pan American Health Organization, World Health Organization, UNHCR, UNICEF, Project SPHERE, the Red International Cross Movement, and several non-governmental organizations. This edition has a new more powerful and improved search engine and all the documents are available in HTML and many in PDF format. With more than 400 scientific and technical documents, this collection is the most important information tool on these topics. (31/Dec/2002)
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en español     HTML(4.66k)  


The Role of Laboratories and Blood Banks in Disasters Situations CD-ROM
This CD presentation complents the 2001 PAHO technical publication of the same name, which revews the primary functions of laboratories and blood banks in disaster situations and the measures they can take to be better prepared. It includes a PowerPoint presentation and a script.(16/Jan/2003)
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en español     HTML(2.62k)  

Other Resources

Pandemic Influenza Resource Sites
This page provides links to resources dealing with the topic of pandemic influenza, organized into coherent categories (surveillance, emergency preparedness and response, prevention and control, toolkits, press releases, major partner sites).(8/Sep/2005)
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Caribbean Course on Emergency Care and Treatment - ECAT
This course addresses basic medical response for disaster and emergency situations. It includes a participant’s manual, tips for the instructors, a PowerPoint presentation and review tests. Participants will benefit most from this new course if they are familiar with other PAHO courses on mass casualty management and incident command systems.(20/Dec/2004)
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Curso de auto instrucción sobre prevención, preparación y respuesta a accidentes químicos
Una nueva versión bilingüe (español/portugués) de este material de capacitación cuya novedad es la metodología de autoaprendizaje. El curso tiene cinco secciones con presentaciones y módulos de preguntas y respuestas para permitir al alumno la autoevaluación de su aprendizaje.(7/Nov/2003)
en español     HTML(3.72k)  

Periodical Publications

Disasters: Preparedness and Mitigation in the Americas-April 2009, No. 111 - New!
This issue's editorial focuses on the risks a financial crisis can pose to disaster management, as funds previously used for disaster preparedness and relief are diverted to more pressing needs. The celebration of World Health Day is covered, and an interview with the head of the International Strategy for Disaster reduction is included. Among the new training materials available from PAHO is an interactive tool for hospital safety. HTML(8/May/2009)
In English       PDF(4621.75k)  
en español     PDF(4608.91k)  

Epidemiological Alerts Archives, 2003–2008
(Note: Series renamed, formerly EID Updates: Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases, Region of the Americas.)
The purpose of these alerts is to disseminate information on the latest public-health events that have been identified as risks to health, trade, and/or international travel. Most of these events are primarily due to infectious agents, while others are due to chemical or physical agents. The PAHO Epidemiological Alerts published at the regional level (for the Americas) complement the WHO Disease Outbreak News published at the global level. The latest issues can be found at the new site, 2009 onwards.(3/Apr/2009)
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en español     HTML(40.91k)  

Disasters: Preparedness and Mitigation in the Americas-October 2008, No. 110
This edition's editorial focuses on climate change and disaster programs in the health sector, as changes in climate have had a direct impact on recent disasters. This edition is the first with a new 12-page format, which includes an interview section--PAHO's Director is the first subject--a section on safe hospitals and one on perspectives. HTML(21/Oct/2008)
In English       PDF(3464.57k)  
en español     PDF(3392.01k)  

Technical Documents

2008 Hurricane Season
In August 2008, Hurricane Gustav affected the Caribbean and the U.S., leaving widespread damage in Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Jamaica.(2/Sep/2008)
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Floods in Belize
The first named storms for the 2008 hurricane season hit Belize simultaneously and extensively impacted the coastal and southern areas of the country with severe flash floods. Tropical Storm Alma developed on the Eastern Pacific on 27 May and Tropical Storm Arthur, the first named storm of the Atlantic Hurricane Season, hit Belize on 31 May.(10/Jun/2008)
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Emergency Operations Center
The Pan American Health Organization's Emergency Operations Center (EOC) functions as a centralized location through which organizational coordination and control of health-related response activities by PAHO’s Disaster Task Force and the Epidemic Alert and Response Task Force during emergencies and disasters can be accomplished.(8/Feb/2008)
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