Contract for Life

A Foundation for Trust and Caring 

This Contract is designed to facilitate communication between young people and their parents about potentially destructive decisions related to alcohol, drugs, peer pressure, and behavior. The issues facing young people today are often too difficult for them to address alone. SADD believes that effective parent-child communication is critically important in helping young adults to make healthy decisions.


Young Person
I recognize that there are many potentially destructive decisions I face every day and commit to you that I will do everything in my power to avoid making decisions that will jeopardize my health, my safety and overall well-being, or your trust in me. I understand the dangers associated with the use of alcohol and drugs and the destructive behaviors often associated with impairment.

By signing below, I pledge my best effort to remain free from alcohol and drugs; I agree that I will never drive under the influence; I agree that I will never ride with an impaired driver; and I agree that I will always wear a seat belt.

Finally, I agree to call you if I am ever in a situation that threatens my safety and to communicate with you regularly about issues of importance to both of us.

Young Person


Parent (or Caring Adult)
I am committed to you and to your health and safety. By signing below, I pledge to do everything in my power to understand and communicate with you about the many difficult and potentially destructive decisions you face.

Further, I agree to provide for you safe, sober transportation home if you are ever in a situation that threatens your safety and to defer discussions about that situation until a time when we can both have a discussion in a calm and caring manner.

I also pledge to you that I will not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, I will always seek safe, sober transportation home, and I will always wear a seat belt.

Parent/Caring Adult

©2005 SADD, Inc., a Massachusetts nonprofit corporation. All rights reserved. SADD and all SADD logos are registered trademarks of SADD, Inc. SADD chapters and their individual students have permission to reproduce this material in its entirety for use by the students. Copying of this material by other entities (publishers or other individuals), either in whole or in part, without written permission is strictly prohibited. SADD, Inc. sponsors Students Against Destructive Decisions and other health and safety programs.


Click here to download a pdf version of the Contract for Life.

Click here to download a pdf version of the Contract for Life in French.

Click here to download a pdf version of the Contract for Life in Spanish.

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College Contract for Life

"Despite increased public and legislative awareness, the abuse of legal and illegal alcohol and other drugs is rampant in our society. The consequences of alcohol abuse and drug addiction are devastating and pose a major threat to young people in our society. No age group is more vulnerable to the tragic consequences of this abuse and addiction than are college students and other young adults.

College students across the nation have begun to band together to fight the substance abuse problems affecting their campuses. Innovative SADD programs have highlighted the power of college students to effectively deal with critical problems. The SADD College Contract for Life is designed to facilitate communication between college friends about potentially destructive decisions related to alcohol, drug use, HIV/AIDS, sexuality, date rape, impaired driving, and many more challenges. The Contract provides a practical tool for opening discussion, raising awareness, and demonstrating the desire to help friends find any assistance they need."


College Contract for Life
Between Friends

As students at _________________________________________________,
we recognize that we will be faced with many difficult decisions. Throughout our college experience we may encounter issues such as alcohol and other drug use, HIV/AIDS, risky sexual behaviors, date rape, impaired driving, abusive relationships, and many more challenges.

By signing below, we have entered into a contract in which we agree that we will always attempt to choose the best option that considers our own well-being, health, and safety. In addition, we will help friends whom we see making destructive decisions find any assistance they need.

When I find myself in a situation that makes me uncomfortable or that I feel unequipped to handle, I will discuss it with someone I trust.



©2005 SADD, Inc., a Massachusetts nonprofit corporation. All rights reserved. SADD and all SADD logos are registered trademarks of SADD, Inc. SADD chapters and their individual students have permission to reproduce this material in its entirety for use by the students. Copying of this material by other entities (publishers or other individuals), either in whole or in part, without written permission is strictly prohibited. SADD, Inc. sponsors Students Against Destructive Decisions and other health and safety programs.


Click here to download a pdf version of the College Contract for Life.

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