Publication Citation

USGS Series Information and Technology Report
Report Number 2003-0005
Title Geographic Information System Tools for Conservation Planning: User's Manual
Edition -
Language ENGLISH
Author(s) Fox, Timothy J.; Rohweder, Jason J.; Kenow, K. P.; Korschgen, C. E.; DeHaan, H. C.
Year 2003
Originating office Columbia Environmental Research Center
USGS Library Call Number -
Physical description 4 p. + Appendixes A-B + CD-ROM; Data and GIS tools information online

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Public and private land managers desire better ways to incorporate landscape, species, and habitat relations into their conservation planning processes. We present three tools, developed for the Environmental Systems Research Institute?s ArcView 3.x platform, applicable to many types of wildlife conservation management and planning efforts. These tools provide managers and planners with the ability to rapidly assess landscape attributes and link these attributes with species-habitat information. To use the tools, the user provides a detailed land cover spatial database and develops a matrix to identify species-habitat relations for the landscape of interest. The tools are applicable to any taxa or suite of taxa for which the required data are available. The user also has the ability to interactively make polygon-specific changes to the landscape and re-examine species-habitat relations. The development of these tools has given resource managers the means to evaluate the merits of proposed landscape management scenarios and to choose the scenario that best fits the goals of the managed area.