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ATF Explosives Industry Newsletter Masthead
November 2001
Editor, Gene Baker

ATF Meets With ISEE, PGI

Public Safety Branch Attends ISEE's Pittsburgh Conference

  Members of the Public Safety Branch and ATF's Explosives Study Group attended the third biennial Explosives and Blasting Conference held in Pittsburgh July 23-25. The regulatory conference was sponsored by the International Society of Explosives Engineers (ISEE) and featured a mix of Federal and State regulators, as well as members of the explosives industry, who met to discuss a variety of current issues regarding explosives regulation, training, safety, and new trends and technology. The conference attracted the highest number of participants since the meetings first began in Cincinnati in 1997.

  In addition to providing regulators and industry members an update on new Federal initiatives, the meeting provided all in attendance an opportunity to discuss current and pending regulations and issues of vital importance to the explosives industry throughout the U.S. ATF is extremely grateful to the ISEE for providing this forum in which to exchange ideas, discuss changes in the explosive industry, and explore ways to work together to improve public safety and reduce the threat of violent crime from the illegal use of explosives. The ISEE tentatively plans to hold the next regulatory conference in St. Louis in 2003.

Industry Analyst Attends PGI's Conference in Wisconsin

  The Pyrotechnic Guild International (PGI) held its annual convention on pyrotechnics in Appleton, Wisconsin, during the week of August 6-10. Industry Analyst Gene Baker of the Arson & Explosives Programs Division gave a presentation to the PGI members on current issues in the fireworks arena, ATF's policy with regard to the pyrotechnics industry, and an update on pending issues or proposed regulatory changes. We would like to thank the PGI for offering ATF this opportunity to meet with members of the pyrotechnics community and discuss topics and issues of mutual interest.

Fugitive Corner

Notice: Clayton Lee Waagner was apprehended December 5, 2001. This occured after print publication.

Fugitive Wanted by Memphis

  Office ATF's Memphis Field Division requests anyone with information on the location of fugitive Clayton Lee Waagner to contact the Memphis Office. Waagner is wanted on a variety of charges involving violations of Federal explosives laws and Federal firearms violations. Waagner has used a number of aliases and has frequently altered his appearance, as shown in the photos.

Clayton Lee Waagner       Clayton Lee Waagner

Clayton Lee Waagner

The following information is provided regarding

Race & Sex: White Male
Date of Birth: 08/ 25/ 56 (has used 07/ 25/ 56)
Place of Birth: North Dakota
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 195
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Fair
Scars/Tattoo: Scar - Right knee, right
ankle, and tip of nose


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