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Ely District Management Staff - Planning

What's New? 

Ely District Approved Resource Management Plan (RMP)

The Record of Decision (ROD) to approve the Ely District Approved RMP was signed on August 20, 2008.  The Federal Register Notice of Availability will be published in September 2008.  The Ely District Approved RMP is based on that described as the Proposed RMP in the November 2007 Ely Proposed RMP/Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)(USDI-BLM 2007) with exceptions as noted in the ROD.  The background and rationale for approving the proposed decisions contained in the Proposed RMP, as well as clarifications and modifications made to address protests to the Proposed RMP are described in the ROD.  The Approved RMP constitutes the final decisions. 

The planning area includes all lands regardless of jurisdiction; however, the approved RMP decisions only apply to public lands administered by the Ely District Office in Lincoln, White Pine, and a portion of Nye counties in east-central Nevada.  The decision area also includes those private lands on which there is "split-estate," and BLM continues to manage surfaceor subsurface interests.  The planning are measures approximately 230 miles (north-south) by 115 miles (east-west)

You will find the entire ROD and Approved RMP by clicking on the icon in the upper right hand corner of this page.  The document has been provided in sections, including the ROD, Approved Plan, Appendicies, and Maps, depending upon your interes but you may also download the entire document should you desire. 

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 
The BLM Ely District has nine environmental impact statements (EIS) in various stages of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process.  As many as 13 additional EISs may be initiated.  The district also conducts NEPA compliance on about 125 Environmental Assessments (EA) and Categorical Exclusions (CX) each year. 

Special Legislation
The BLM is initiating the land sale process in accordance with LCLA, LCCRDA and WPCCRDA.  The District is working with Lincoln and White Pine counties to identify team members that will identify the location and sizes of parcels to be offered for disposal under the Ely Resource Management Plan (RMP). 

  • SNPLMA Round 6 projects are in the second year of a three-year process.
  • SNPLMA Round 7 and PPP’s were recently funded and agreements and/or contracts and IGOs are being established for project implementation.  Most of the SNPLMA Round 7 projects are also three-year projects.  The PPPs are approximately one year in length.
  • SNPLMA Round 8 was recently signed by the Secretary, and is awaiting funding.  There is one Eastern Nevada Landscape Restoration Project proposal, two Conservation Initiatives and one land acquisition 

Tribal Coordination
The BLM Ely District is actively meeting with Native American tribes on the major proposed land actions, e.g., Ely Energy Center, Toquop Energy Project and White Pine Energy Station, and Nevada groundwater projects.