Service Animals

Information about service animals that are individually trained to perform tasks for people such as guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf or pulling wheelchairs.

America's VetDogs

Subsidiary of Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc. Provides Therapy Dogs for the U.S. Army's Combat Stress Control Unit in Iraq. Trains and provides guide dogs and service dogs to Veterans with visual impairments or other physical disabilities.

Assistance Dogs International

Works to improve the training, placement and utilization of assistance dogs, including guide dogs for people with visual impairments, hearing dogs for people with hearing impairments and service dogs for people with other disabilities.

Canine Companions for Independence

Provides highly trained assistance dogs and ongoing support to ensure quality partnerships between individuals and their service dogs.

Canine Partners for Life

Trains service dogs and companion dogs to assist individuals who have a wide range of physical and cognitive disabilities.

Canines for Combat Veterans

Program of NEADS that trains and provides assistance dogs to Veterans with hearing, mobility and other disabilities.

Commonly Asked Questions About Service Animals

Answers questions such as "What is a service animal?", "How can I tell if an animal is really a service animal and not just a pet?" and "I have always had a clearly posted 'no pets' policy at my establishment. Do I still have to allow service animals in?"

Eye Dog Foundation for the Blind

Trains and provides German Shepherd guide dogs to blind and visually impaired individuals free of charge. Provides intensive training for individuals and guide dogs.

Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation

Breeds, trains and places German Shepherd guide dogs, and provides one-on-one in-community training of individuals and guide dogs.

Fidos for Freedom, Inc.

Provides trained Service Dogs or Hearing Dogs to people in the Maryland and Washington, D.C. area who have physical disabilities or are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Includes ongoing support services and training.

Freedom Guide Dogs for the Blind

Breeds, trains and places guide dogs, and provides one-on-one in-community training of individuals and guide dogs.

Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc.

Breeds, trains and places guide dogs with individuals with visual impairments. Special VetDogs program that trains and places guide dogs and service dogs with Veterans who have visual impairments or other disabilities.

Guide Dogs for the Blind

Breeds, trains and places guide dogs. Provides innovative partnership training at campuses in California and Oregon to acclimate individual and guide dog to each other.

Guide Dogs of America

Breeds, trains and places guide dogs and delivers an on-site training course to acclimate individuals with their guide dogs.

Guide Dogs of Texas

Offers a regional complement to national services. Breeds, trains and places guide dogs, and offers formal and intensive on-site training for individuals and guide dogs.

Guide Dogs of the Desert

Breeds, trains and places guide dogs, and provides formal and intensive on-site training for individuals and guide dogs.

Guiding Eyes for the Blind, Inc.

Breeds, trains and places guide dogs, and provides formal and intensive on-site training for individuals and guide dogs.

Information About Service Dogs for People with Psychiatric Disabilities

Describes a number of tasks a service dog could be trained to do that would serve to mitigate conditions such as panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.

Leader Dogs for the Blind

Breeds, trains and places guide dogs, and provides formal training of individuals and guide dogs. Extended services include training on cane and GPS, as well as career development.

NEADS: Dogs for Deaf or Disabled Americans

Trains and provides hearing and service dogs to individuals with hearing impairments and other disabilities.

Patriot Paws

Trains service dogs to provide assistance to disabled Veterans.

Paws for Purple Hearts

Teaches Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other cognitive and emotional disabilities how to train service dogs for other Veterans with physical disabilities. A program of Bergen University for Canine Studies.

Paws with a Cause

Trains assistance dogs for people with a range of disabilities, and provides lifetime support to encourage independence.

Pilot Dogs, Inc.

Trains and places guide dogs, and provides formal and intensive on-site training for individuals and guide dogs.

Psychiatric Service Dog Society

An education and capacity-building organization that assists with and provides information related to training Psychiatric Service Dogs (PSDs) for people with severe psychiatric disabilities. Includes a Veterans section, as well as resources related to obtaining and training a PSD and accessing VA resources, as well as relevant links.

Saint Francis Service Dogs

Raises and trains service dogs for individuals with physical and other disabilities.

Service Dog Project, Inc.

Donates large trained dogs to assist patients with balance and mobility challenges such as those resulting from Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's and war injuries. Preference is given to Veterans and their families.

Southeastern Guide Dogs, Inc.

Breeds, trains and places guide dogs, and provides them to blind and visually impaired individuals at no charge. Paws for Patriots program provides guide dogs to Veterans with visual impairments and other disabilities. Intensive training and lifetime follow-up support is provided for each individual and guide dog.

The Guide Horse Foundation

Provides guide horses for people who are blind or visually impaired at no cost. Discusses the potential benefits of using horses as guide animals, and includes links to applications as well as sources of further information.

The Seeing Eye, Inc.

Breeds, trains and places guide dogs, and provides formal and intensive on-site training for individuals and guide dogs. The initial fee is $150, with $50 for each subsequent visit.
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  • The U.S. government's official web portal.

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