
Washington State Office of the Deaf & Hard of Hearing

Provides services including case management, advocacy, workshops, information and referral, education and training, and outreach to the deaf, hard of hearing and deaf-blind communities throughout Washington.

Portland Area Indian Health Service

Supports tribal governments and urban Indian communities in the development and administration of comprehensive health care delivery systems that meet the needs of Indian people in Idaho, Oregon and Washington State.

Area Agency on Aging for Seattle & King County

Works in partnership with King County and United Way to improve the health and quality of life for seniors and adults with disabilities.

Brain Injury Association of Washington

Offers information and referrals on adult family homes/assisted living/nursing facilities, rehabilitation programs, alternative medicine practitioners, attorneys, neuropsychologists and vocational counselors.

Center on Human Development & Disability (CHDD) - University of Washington

Makes important contributions to the lives of people with developmental disabilities and their families, through a comprehensive array of research, clinical services, training, community outreach and dissemination activities.

Children with Special Health Care Needs Program

Serves Washington state children who have serious physical, behavioral or emotional conditions that require health and related services beyond those required by children generally.

Healthcare for Workers with Disabilities (HWD) Program

Allows people with disabilities in Washington state who are working to purchase medical coverage by paying a monthly premium that is based on their income.

Infant Toddler Early Intervention Program (ITEIP)

Provides early intervention services, including family resources coordination, for eligible children from birth to age 3 and their families in Washington state.

Special Olympics Washington

Provides year-round sports training and competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities.

Mental Health Resources in Washington State

Directory of mental health treatment facilities and support services.

The Arc of Washington State

Offers people with intellectual and developmental disabilities the services and supports they need to grow, develop and live in communities across the nation. These services include early intervention, health care, education and supports for their families.

Veterans Facilities in Washington

Provides locations where veterans can apply for benefits or receive primary health care and mental health services.

Washington Aging & Disability Services Administration

Assists children and adults with developmental delays or disabilities, cognitive impairment, chronic illness and related functional disabilities to gain access to needed services and supports.

Washington PAVE

A parent directed organization that works with families, individuals with disabilities, professionals and community members in all walks of life and with all types of disabilities.

Washington State Autism Society

Works with the Autism Society of America to be the voice and resource for the Autism community in Washington State.

Washington State Family Resource Guide

A guide to benefits, supports and services for families raising children with mental retardation and related developmental disabilities in Washington State. Document is in Word format.

Washington State Mental Health Division

Provides care and treatment for people with severe and recurring mental illness, and children with serious emotional disturbance and their families.

Washington State's Adolescent Health Transition Project

Designed to help smooth the transition from pediatric to adult health care for adolescents with special health care needs. This site is a resource for information, materials and links to other people with an interest in health transition issues.

Washington's Infant Toddler Early Intervention Program (ITEIP)

Provides early intervention services, including family resources coordination, for eligible children from birth to age 3 and their families.

African American Elders Program

The African American Elders Program serves African-American elders in Central and Southeast Seattle and South King County. The program identifies frail, isolated and hard-to-serve African Americans and assists them in accessing and receiving needed social and health services through ongoing case management, support and referrals.

Health Insurance for Children in Washington

Information and resources about health insurance for infants, children and teens in Washington.

Alzheimer's Association - Inland Northwest Chapter

Alzheimer's Association chapters provide information, programs and services, including support groups and educational workshops, to people with Alzheimer's disease, their family members and caregivers. The Inland Northwest Chapter serves the 25 counties of Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho.

Alzheimer's Association - Western & Central Washington State Chapter

Alzheimer's Association chapters provide information, programs and services, including support groups and educational workshops, to people with Alzheimer's disease, their family members and caregivers.

American Parkinson's Disease Association - Washington Chapter

Responds to the particular needs of persons affected by Parkinson's disease and their caregivers through education, referral, support and public awareness programs.

Tacoma Area Coalition for Individuals with Disabilities: Mental Health Resources

Nonprofit organization provides Tacoma and Pierce County residents with mental health needs with peer support, education and other assistance.

Independent Living Centers (ILCs) in Washington State

Contact information for ILCs throughout Washington. ILCs provide people with disabilities advocacy and support services, including assistance with employment, transportation, housing, health care and living skills.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society Chapter for Washington

MS Society contact information. Chapters encourage personal empowerment with employment counseling, family programs, volunteer opportunities, and advocacy issues.
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