Nolan & Clara
“Nolan has come such a long way since we got Clara (his social dog).
He is a happy functioning member of our family now. We are thrilled.”

Wendy N. (Nolan’s mother)

National Service Animal Resource Center

The National Service Animal Resource Center is a web-based Delta Society program, providing information and resources for people with disabilities, as well as their friends and family, who are considering getting a service animal or who are currently partnered with a service animal. The NSARC also provides resources for people with disabilities who have access problems entering the workplace and other public places with their service animals. If you've got a question about service animals, more than likely, you'll find the answer here.

Service Animal Basics

Definitions and descriptions of service animals and related terms.

Service Animal FAQs

If you've got a question about service animals, more than likely, you'll find the answer here. The answers to the most frequently asked questions received by the National Service Animal Center.

Consumer Considerations

Being an informed consumer is your first major step when considering bringing a service animal into your life. This section will help answer many questions about what service animals are, who can have them, the laws that apply to them, and what you can do to locate the best service animal for your needs.

Trainers & Products

Quickly locate organizations and associations of service animal trainers, training programs, companies and individuals who manufacture and/or sell equipment and other supplies for service animals, including vests, harnesses, patches, and assistive devices.

Articles & Resources

This directory of articles, abstracts and other resources will help you further your knowledge of the benefits of utilizing a service animal. Included in this section is Delta Society’s Minimum Standards for Service Dogs.




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