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USAID Helps Montenegro Preserve Ancient Mosaics

The limestone cliffs of Orjen Mountain tower behind Risan, the oldest settlement in the Bay of Kotor and home to some of Montenegro’s most valuable archaeological finds, including five ancient mosaics housed in a Roman villa dating back to the 2nd and early 3rd century A.D. Excavated in 1930, the mosaics were conserved in 1960, 1971, and 1988; however, the site’s proximity to the sea and exposure to the elements put the mosaics at increasing risk.

To prevent the loss of this cultural and historical treasure, USAID partnered with Montenegro’s Ministry of Culture, the tourism board of the municipality of Kotor, and the local government, to provide coverage and protection from both human and environmental damage. A new visitor center with tourist services was also put in place.

The preservation of Risan’s mosaics and other ancient sites is compelling not only to safeguard the country’s cultural heritage, but also to support its role in Montenegro’s expanding tourism sector, a significant generator of jobs and income fueling the country’s overall economic development. The challenge that remains for Montenegrins is how to maintain the delicate balance between conserving such fragile resources while still making them available to attract growing numbers of visitors.

An ancient mosaic of Hypnos, the God of Sleep, welcomes visitors to Risan and bids them restful stay. Risan is located within the Region of Kotor, which was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1979.
An ancient mosaic of Hypnos, the God of Sleep, welcomes visitors to Risan and bids them restful stay. Risan is located within the Region of Kotor, which was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1979.

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