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USAID Seeks to Strengthen Partnership with Montenegro

In January, USAID Deputy Assistant Adminstrator for Europe and Eurasia Thomas Fleetwood Mefford and Director of the Office of European Country Affairs Marilynn Schmidt met with Montenegro’s Minister of Finance Igor Lukšić in Podgorica to discuss the successful and coordinated implementation of economic reforms achieved as a result of US Government assistance to the Republic of Montenegro.

The USAID officials expressed the desire to further foster the Agency’s partnership with the Government of Montenegro through various measures, including the development of jointly defined priorities in areas of institutional capacity building and the provision of additional expert assistance. Mefford and Schmidt also congratulated Minister Luksic and the Republic of Montenegro on becoming a member of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank; membership to these organizations demonstrates Montenegro’s commitment to pursue a stable macroeconomic policy and to continue the implementation of its economic transformation.

Minister Lukšić emphasized that USAID has played an important role as a partner of the Government of Montenegro in pursuing reforms and that continued support from the US will be critical to his government’s ability to meet the challenges ahead.

USAID's Mefford (left) and Minister Luksic (right) discussed Montenegro's economic reforms and other key development goals
USAID’s Mefford (left) and Minister Lukšić (right) discussed Montenegro’s economic reforms and other key development goals

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