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Montenegro Looks to the Sky for Tourism Opportunities

With an unsurpassed diversity of terrain, including an abundance of unspoiled natural areas, Montenegro, and in particular the Skadar lake region, is a haven for a spectacular variety of birds throughout the year. Along the lake's shores, its islands, bays, coves, historical monuments, ancient monasteries and nearby mountain forests, birds of many species, including a number that are rare and/or endangered, are found in greater numbers than anyplace else in the region.

Skadar Lake, the largest lake in the Balkans, is one of the largest bird reserves in Europe, boasting over 270 species, including the last pelicans in Europe. With its vast area (over 500 sq. km. at some times of year), comparatively shallow water, lush vegetation and moderate Mediterranean climate (only 25kms from the Adriatic Sea) it is also a winter sanctuary for numerous bird species that migrate from the frozen marshes of Northern Europe, thereby offering a unique and outstanding opportunity for birdwatchers and the development of bird watching tourism.

Traditionally, Montenegrin tourist offerings were mainly based around the flavors and attractions of the coastline, while little attention was paid to the development and utilization of other strategically important areas. Niche market tourists such as birdwatchers and hikers were not being catered to and naturally looked elsewhere when planning holidays. In order to address this issue, USAID provided support to better utilize the natural resources of Skadar Lake by creating new and unique opportunities for tourists to enjoy the awe-inspiring areas of the lake and its diverse wildlife. While there, tourists will be able to experience the unique cultural and culinary offerings of the surrounding villages.

To that end, International Relief and Development, Inc. (IRD), one of USAID's implementers of the Community Development through Democratic Action-Economy (CRDA-E) program, entered into partnerships with the National Park Skadar Lake, the Maritime Safety Institute from Bar, private businesses and the local citizens on a project to construct environmentally friendly bird watching towers and platforms, produce guide books, train tour guides and to mark safe boating channels on the lake. The total contribution from the American people through USAID to the project was $49,900, while an additional $20,000 was contributed locally.

This widespread support of the project provided the additional funds that made it possible to create innovative promotional materials that break the stereotype of Montenegro as merely a summer and sea destination, thus expanding the appeal of Montenegro to a different kind of tourist that may visit "out-of-season" and spend their Euros in other parts of the country.

Additionally, the National Park Skadar Lake will charge an entrance fee that will help generate a sustainable income and allow further investment in the development of new products and services on the lake. The project is a part of the wider USAID support to tourism development, which has been identified as one of the economic sectors with the highest potential in Montenegro. In the past 12 months, IRD has implemented 29 tourism projects with a total value of over $1.5M, almost $800,000 of which was provided by the American People through USAID.

Bird watchers atop a recently constructed tower On the lake: A bird-watching excursion
Bird watchers atop a recently constructed tower On the lake:  A bird-watching excursion

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