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NOAA At The Ends of the Earth Collection
Catalog of Images

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Ice crystals growing in a small crevasse
Antarctica November 1978
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Ice crystals
Antarctica November 1978
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Ice crystals
Antarctica November 1978
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The entrance to the cave
Antarctica November 1978
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Intrepid explorers were rewarded by glimpses of crystal-lined ice cavern.
Antarctica November 1978
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Crystals, ice columns, and refrozen ice
Antarctica November 1978
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Using candles for lighting while exploring ice cave. Without candles, it was pitch-black in this cave.
Antarctica November 1978
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Ice stalactites, columns of ice, refrozen floor of cave, and ice crystals.
Antarctica November 1978
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The view from the inside looking out of the cave.
Antarctica November 1978
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Dendritic ice crystals illuminated by spotlight.
Antarctica November 1978
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Robert Falcon Scott's Hut Point Shelter at McMurdo Station
Antarctica November 1978
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Supplies in interior of Scott's Hut Point Shelter
Antarctica November 1978
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Supplies in interior of Scott's Hut Point Shelter
Antarctica November 1978
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Cooking utensils in interior of Scott's Hut Point Shelter
Antarctica November 1978
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Remains of seventy-year old mutton Hanging on wall of Scott's Hut Point Shelter.
Antarctica November 1978
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A well-stocked pantry at Scott's Hut Point shelter
Antarctica November 1978
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Salt and corned mutton - a few staples of the day at Scott's Hut Point shelter
Antarctica November 1978
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Some digestive biscuits from another era at Scott's Hut Point shelter
Antarctica November 1978
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Pressure ridges in the sea ice at Scott Base.
Antarctica November 1978
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Ski-equipped C-130's ready for a trip to the South Pole
Antarctica December 1978
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A last look at Mount Erebus before heading to the South Pole
Antarctica December 1978
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An expanse of white greets the viewer on the way to the South Pole
Antarctica December 1978
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The Transantarctic Mountains seen from the C-130 while flying to the South Pole
Antarctica December 1978
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C-130 on the ground at South Pole Station
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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New folks at the South Pole getting their first look at the station
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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The C-130 preparing to head back to McMurdo
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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The geographic South Pole
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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The United States is responsible for maintaining South Pole Station
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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A distant view of South Pole Station. The Clean Air Facility is on far left.
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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A panoramic view of the South Geographic Pole with South Pole Station.
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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The South Geographic Pole
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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Mileage posts to a few home towns in the United States and Canada
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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The entrance to South Pole Station
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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The outer tunnel at the entrance to South Pole Station
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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The United States Flag at the top of the South Pole Station geodesic dome.
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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Guess which way the prevailing winds are at South Pole Station
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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The Clean Air Facility where much of NOAA's South Pole Station work is done This facility is used primarily for atmospheric sampling. The samples are analyzed for greenhouse gas content.
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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Inside the Clean Air Facility. The Computer Data Acquisition System. A 64K Digital Corporation computer interfaced to a teletype.
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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Inside the Clean Air Facility. Carbon dioxide monitoring equipment to the left.
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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Particle impactor to study atmospheric particulate matter; Aiken condensation nuclei counter, and Dupont humidity sensor.
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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Instruments mounted on the roof of the Clean Air Facility. Air sampling stacks in the center and pyrheliometer on the right.
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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Instruments mounted on the roof of the Clean Air Facility. Four separate wavelength pyrometers measuring total radiation from the sun and sky.
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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Instruments mounted on the roof of the Clean Air Facility. Four separate wavelength pyrometers measuring total radiation from the sun and sky. Note hoses supplying air to keep ice crystals off the domes.
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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Ultraviolet pyrometer mounted on the roof of the Clean Air Facility.
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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Inside the Clean Air Facility. Normal incidence pyrheliometer with filter wheel
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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Beautiful frost patterns develop on the windows of the Clean Air Facility
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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A view of South Pole Station
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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The view of the South Pole and the Antarctic Plateau from the station. The ice here is over 9000 feet thick. The nearest land feature is a mountain range over 300 miles away.
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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The Clean Air Facility on a day without a horizon. Flags mark path.
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978
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South Pole Station on a day without a horizon, near "white out" conditions. Flags mark path. One would literally feel like walking in a bowl of milk. There was no surface definition and one had to walk with bent knees because impossible to determine if surface was uneven.
Antarctica, South Pole Station December 1978

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007