Laboratory of Cellular and Developmental Biology - (LCDB) : NIDDK

Laboratory of Cellular and Developmental Biology - (LCDB)

Jurrien Dean, M.D., Chief
Ann Dean, Ph.D.
Alan R. Kimmel
Elissa Lei, Ph.D.
Constantine Londos, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Brian Oliver, Ph.D.

Six independent research groups investigate critical elements of cell and developmental biology. These studies employ a wide range of approaches to understand the molecular basis of normal and abnormal biology. They include investigation of structure-function correlates in proteins, signal transduction in multicellular organisms, activation of gene expression in eukaryotes, developmentally programmed gene expression, mobilization of intracellular lipid stores, sex determination, organogenesis and fertilization.

Investigators within the laboratory utilize a variety of simple and multicellular experimental systems including bacteria, yeast, cell culture lines, Dictyostelium, Drosophila and mice. Each research group exploits modern cell and molecular experimental techniques with emphasis on molecular genetics, state-of-the-art imaging and transgenesis. The multiplicity of approaches and experimental systems provide a stimulating and challenging environment in which approximately 50 scientists interactively pursue their research objectives.

Page last updated: February 12, 2009

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