
Quality of Life Grants channel

The Reeve Foundation Quality of Life program awards grants to non-profit organizations that provide services to individuals with paralysis.

New York University Hospitals for Joint Diseases Initiative for Women with Disabilities

What is Our Quality of Life Grants Program?

We award grants to non-profit organizations that provide services to individuals with paralysis.

Quality of Life grants are awarded to programs or projects that improve the daily lives of people with paralysis. Find out more!

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Did You Know

Did You Know?
  • 1st Cycle 2009 online application is closed. 2nd Cycle 2009 opens July 1, 2009
  • There are two grant cycles per year. Deadlines are on or about March 1 and September 1.
  • Special consideration is given to organizations serving returning wounded military and their families and diverse cultural communities.
  • Please see Updated Top 8 Application Tips

2nd Cycle 2008 Grantees

resources in your area

Resources in you area 

Check out programs in your area on our one-of-a kind online searchable Quality of Life program database. You can search by location or topic.

other grant giving organizations

dana's vision

The late Dana Reeve passionately believed that while working towards a cure, there are millions of people who deserve an improved quality of life.
"Our Quality of Life program is about freedom."
--- Dana Reeve

Grants: The ABCs of quality of life

Reeve Foundation grants are awarded in three categories called the ABCs of Quality of Life.

past grantees

Past Grantees

Since 1999, the Foundation has provided almost 1,500 grants totaling nearly $12 million to organizations that help improve the quality of life for individuals living with disabilities, particularly paralysis, and their families. READ MORE

grants for individuals

The Reeve Foundation does not make grants to indivduals, but the Information Specialists in our Paralysis Resource Center can direct you to other resources.