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Republic of Macedonia

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Survey Finds 70% Satisfied with Macedonia Court Services

A recent public opinion survey, conducted with the help of USAID’s Judicial Reform Implementation Project (JRIP), revealed that 70 percent of customers are satisfied with court services in Macedonia. This success is attributable in part to JRIP’s efforts over the past five years to improve court practices and provide technical and material assistance to the courts, Administrative Office of the Court Budget Council, the Academy for Training of Judges and Public Prosecutors, and the Supreme Court.

The anonymous survey was conducted in 27 basic courts nationwide and included lawyers, clients, participants in legal proceedings, as well as court employees. Results will be used to identify areas for improvement. Meanwhile, the survey process will be fully institutionalized within the Macedonian judiciary. A repeat survey, to be implemented by the basic courts and the Administrative Office of the Court Budget Council, will be conducted in six months to measure progress.

A court customer requests receives assistance with completing a recent public opinion survey on court services in Macedonia.
A court customer requests receives assistance with completing a recent public opinion survey on court services in Macedonia.
Photo Credit: JRIP

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