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Republic of Macedonia

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USAID Mourns Loss of Macedonian Megastar, Partner

Eleven days before the tragic automobile accident that claimed his life, 26-year-old pop megastar Tose Proeski allied with USAID to hold Macedonia’s largest-ever benefit concert. Proeski was joined by guest starts from Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, and Macedonia at this sold-out event, which drew some 25,000 fans to Skopje City Stadium. All proceeds from the “Education is Everybody’s Responsibility” concert–estimated at more than $150,000–were donated for the purchase of educational equipment for Macedonian primary schools. Since the performance, the concert has been broadcast multiple times on Macedonian national television. Proeski’s pro-education message reached audiences across the globe through webcasts of the performance and a partnership with the United Macedonian Diaspora.

USAID joins the millions who were touched and inspired by Proeski’s music and humanitarian work in mourning his death.

Through his active involvement with USAID’s Primary Education Project, Proeski traveled to cities across Macedonia to raise awareness and support for the country's schools
Through his active involvement with USAID’s Primary Education Project, Proeski traveled to cities across Macedonia to raise awareness and support for the country’s schools

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