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Substance Use Prevention Campaign Targets Kosovo Teens

A series of discussions about the consequences of drug use were held with youngsters throughout Suhareke/Suvareka Municipality. Vajzat Sot (Girls Today), a local NGO from Suharekë/Suvareka and the Municipal Information Officer (MIO) through their work provided opportunity for a series of discussions to take place and -- for the first time -- discuss drug abuse with youngsters aged 14-18 in area schools. The topic, the facilitator and the discussions offered a middle ground between peer-to-peer education and the traditional school lecture, thus providing an environment which engaged youngsters in the discussion.

The cooperation between local government officials and civil society groups on this topic was a result of the Public Education Tools for Municipal Information Officers, a three-phase training project in USAID's Participant Training Program, implemented by World Learning for International Development.

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