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Laying the Foundation for a Healthy Future

A project joining different ethnic groups and local government to address the provision of accessible health care for residents of a remote village in Istog/Istok municipality marked its progress on April 4, 2005 with a groundbreaking ceremony for a new health facility in Dobrushë/Dobrusa. Village residents, Community Working Group representatives, municipal officials and the Kosovo Minister of Health gathered to applaud the achievement accomplished through cooperation among different ethnic groups in the community in conjunction with local government, and assisted by USAID's Municipal Infrastructure and Support Initiative (MISI). MISI, a two-year project implemented by Mercy Corps is designed to assist communities and improve conditions for returns and reintegration of minorities through cooperative efforts of ethnic groups.

Dobrushë/Dobrusa, a small village in Istog/Istok Municipality, is an example of inter-ethnic cooperation among communities living there. Many villagers are senior citizens unable to afford long distance travel to regional centers. The new facility will offer much-needed local health care center for these residents and their neighbors.

Through the USAID/MISI program, the community advocated for and ensured that 51,583 euros would be available for construction of the health facility: 23,583 euros contributed from Istog/Istok municipal budget, 28,000 euros from USAID, and 1,760 euros will be in-kind contribution of the community.

“Today, I see a sign for the future: community and municipality working together. Different ethnicities—Bosniacs, Albanian, Serbian, Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian—working together to solve community problems,” remarked Ken Yamashita, USAID Mission Director. “This is how standards will be met.”

Workers prepare to lay the foundation of a new health center in Dobrushë/Dobrusa
Workers prepare to lay the foundation of a new health center in Dobrushë/Dobrusa

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