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'Cash Collection Centers' Greatly Increase Electric Bill Collection Rates

24-hour a day electricity is rare in Kosovo, as an old power plant faces problems generating sufficient power – and most consumers don’t pay for what they use. To help remedy this, USAID worked to increase collections by designing a computerized billing and collection system for the Kosovo Energy Corporation (KEK) that produces reliable data for every registered electric customer in Kosovo. Additionally, USAID set up seven convenient bill collection centers with trained staff to help consumers. By September 2002, the computerized billing program, called the “Customer Care Package,” was installed to handle all billing, and an additional donation of 160 desktop computers, eight servers and installation of a local area network (LAN) connected cashiers, billing clerks, accountants, customer services reps and managers with the system in each KEK district. The computer program allows data to be used by management to determine revenue patterns, exposing payment irregularities and abuse and other information critical to the operations of Kosovo’s electricity provider. Seeing the improved collection rates in areas around these centers, another donor is helping Kosovo’s Energy Corporation expand the cash collection points to 42 centers, allowing Kosovars easier payment access. [Note: Over 100% payment indicates that customers are paying against arrears (back debt)].

Electricity bill collections in areas with the Customer Care Package (CCP) collection centers compared to areas without the collection centers
In the seven areas with ‘cash collection centers’ established by USAID for paying electric bills, the average rate of collection against billed energy reaches an average of 83% compared to 50% in areas without the collection points.
Graphic contributor: Mike Maturo/Arben Nagavci, USAID/Kosovo

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