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Kosovo Kindergartners say “Thank You, USAID!”

Five little girls holding signed that spelled out "U-S-A-I-D" stood ready to greet Michael Farbman, USAID’s departing Kosovo Mission Director, at the dedication of a kindergarten rehabilitation project in Mitrovice/Mitrovica on August 27, 2008.

Gezimi Yne is the only kindergarten in Mitrovice/Mitrovica for children south of the Iber River. Presently it provides daycare for 350 Kosovo Albanian, Kosovo Bosniak, and Kosovo Turkish children, ranging in age from 9 months to 6 years. Prior to USAID's involvement, there had been no major rehabilitation of the building since its opening more than 35 years ago.

USAID support funded extensive internal and external refurbishment of the kindergarten, including installation of new windows and toilets throughout the building; reconstruction of walls in each of twelve classrooms; repair of terraces attached to classrooms; installation of a new kitchen; complete refurbishment of the dining room; and the installation of playground equipment.

"We are thankful for all the assistance the American People have provided to Kosovo, especially to this kindergarten," said Shefkije Nimani, director of kindergarten. Nimani joined Farbman and Bajram Rexhepi, Mayor of Mitrovica, in cutting an inaugural ribbon.

The project was made possible through the Community Enhancement and Development Program, a USAID activity designed to improve living conditions in Mitrovica, Zubin Potok and Gracanica through small infrastructure upgrades. Project identification and selection is achieved through a process of close engagement and consultation with municipal and community leaders.

Children of the Gezimi Yne kindergarten in Mitrovice/a, show their appreciation to USAID
Children of the Gezimi Yne kindergarten in Mitrovice/a, show their appreciation to USAID

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