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Dual Events Dedicate School Projects in Kosovo Serb Communities

Ribbons were cut and foundation concrete poured during two events in Kosovo Serb communities on August 21, 2008, as USAID/Kosovo joined with the community and officials to celebrate local school renovations and expansions. The ribbon cutting ceremony in Preoce (Gracanice/Gracanica area) marked the opening of the rehabilitated kindergarten in the village. The improved building, initially constructed as a veterinary station but never used, will enroll 60 children ranging in age from nine months to six years from Preoce and surrounding villages.

"The American people, through USAID, invested $60,800 to turn this building into a kindergarten, and Finnish KFOR leveled the yard, demonstrating our shared belief that children deserve a clean, safe environment in which to learn," said USAID/Kosovo Mission Director Dr. Michael Farbman. Farbman was joined at the ceremony by Nenad Rasic, Kosovo’s Minister of Labor and Social Welfare, local village leader Miodrag Krstic, kindergarten director Dobrila Jankovic, and Major J.P. Kolehmainen, commander of the Finnish KFOR Logistics Company.

In nearby Dobrotin (Lipljan/Lipjan municipality), Farbman and Rasic helped lay the foundation for a new primary school annex. The $155,000 investment by USAID will nearly double the size of the school.

Both school projects are part of USAID's effort to improve living conditions in Kosovo Serb areas. USAID/Kosovo, through its Community Enhancement and Development Project implemented by International Organization for Migration, has worked closely with communities to identifying their priorities and develop projects to address these needs.

Kindergarten students and their older sisters host Mission Director Michael Farbman at their table following the dedication ceremony.
Kindergarten students and their older sisters host Mission Director Michael Farbman at their table following the dedication ceremony.

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