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HIV/AIDS Events Raise Awareness Among Kosovar Youth

World AIDS Day 2007, the international effort to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS, was commemorated in Kosovo with a week-long set of activities, culminating in a December 1 concert in Peja/Pec. With support from USAID, the Peer Educator's Network (PEN) and Kosovo Population Foundation (KOPF) organized numerous activities, including lectures, exhibitions, theater performances, and distribution of public information material, all aimed at informing young people about risks associated with HIV/AIDS and prevention methods. The STOPAIDS concert featured Clay Ross, a jazz guitar player who was in Kosovo under sponsorship of the U.S. Office Pristina, as well as prominent Kosovo artists Teuta Kurti and NRG Band.

Although Kosovo currently has a fairly low HIV prevalence rate, its young population—as many as 60 percent of Kosovars are under age 25—raises concern among medical professionals and HIV/AIDS activists, and emphasizes the need for continuous, widespread education.

Peja/Pec, December 1 - Following the masquerade ball, PEN activists prepared for the STOP AIDS Concert
Peja/Pec, December 1 - Following the masquerade ball, PEN activists prepared for the STOP AIDS Concert

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