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Project Yields Much-Need Jobs, Cleaner Communities

Men wearing orange uniforms have been circling around the town of Skenderaj/Srbica, Kosovo, transforming it into a more beautiful place to live. The activity is part of a USAID initiative to assist with cleaning up some of the most garbage-ridden municipalities in Kosovo while generating short-term jobs in areas with high unemployment. The initiative started with the Skenderaj/Srbica municipality late October 2007 and has since expanded to include Mitrovica and Vushtrri/Vucitrn.

"This is the best project that has ever happened in Skenderaj", said a resident as the clean up of the river bed was ongoing. Skenderaj/Srbica has a lot of street garbage and one of the highest unemployment rates in Kosovo.

According to Rasim Mlinaku, environment inspector with the municipality of Vushtrri/Vucitrn, the initiative was more than welcome. "Had it not been for the project, there would have been some serious flooding as the river waters backed up," he said. The clean-up initiative is being implemented in cooperation with USAID's Kosovo Cluster and Business Support Project.

Workers remove trash from the river bed in Skenderaj/Srbica
Workers remove trash from the river bed in Skenderaj/Srbica

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