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Vica Receives New School for its Young Students

June 8th will be remembered as School Day in Vica, Shtërpce/Sterpce municipality, following the official opening of a new school building by Dr. Douglas Menarchik, USAID Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia. Students showed their appreciation for USAID support by treating Dr. Menarchik to a festival of song and dance.

Menarchik called upon the residents of the mixed community of Vica to continue their work, urging, "You, as students - study hard; and you, as parents - help educate your children to become responsible citizens in a peaceful and democratic Kosovo."

The school construction is part of USAID's Municipal Integration and Support Initiative (MISI) project, implemented by Mercy Corps.

USAID Assistant Administrator Menarchik (3rd from left) joins members of the Vica community and Brig. General Douglas Earhart (far right), in cutting the ribbon to open a new primary school in Vica.
USAID Assistant Administrator Menarchik (3rd from left) joins members of the Vica community and Brig. General Douglas Earhart (far right), in cutting the ribbon to open a new primary school in Vica.

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