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With Quality Water, Better Health

A glass of water coming from the new water system was a highlight of the November 15 dedication ceremony in Korminjan/Korminjane. The water system project is part of USAID's Municipal Integration and Support Initiative implemented by Mercy Corps in cooperation with local government and communities.

"We hope people will take responsibility for addressing their own problems, work constructively with their local officials, and through such cooperation [as in Korminjan/e], help bring positive change for everyone "said Tina Kaidanow, the USOP Chief of Mission at the dedication ceremony.

Shaip Surdulli, the mayor of Kamenicë/Kamenica also praised the residents of Korminjan/Korminjane on their organization and willingness to cooperate with local government, regardless of ethnic differences.

Some 1500 Serbian Kosovar residents of Korminjan/e faced health problems due to the lack of potable water. With assistance from USAID/MISI, the community was able to organize, plan and advocate for their need within the community, to the local government and finally to other donors, to help address their needs.

The water system project is one of the largest implemented by MISI, totaling 160,000 Euros, of which aid from the American people through USAID totaled 53,000 euros.

Children of Korminjan/e in traditional clothes celebrating the completion of the new water system
Children of Korminjan/e in traditional clothes celebrating the completion of the new water system

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