2002 National Industry-Specific Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates

NAICS 523200 - Securities and Commodity Exchanges

These national industry-specific occupational employment and wage estimates are calculated with data collected from employers of all sizes, in metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas in every State and the District of Columbia, in NAICS 523200 - Securities and Commodity Exchanges.

These and other data elements, including the 10th, 25th, 75th, and 90th percentile wages are available in the downloadable Excel files (XLS).

Links to OES estimates for other industries

SOC Major Groups in in NAICS 523200 - Securities and Commodity Exchanges:

NAICS 523200 - Securities and Commodity Exchanges

Click on the SOC code number to view an occupational profile.

Industry Total top
Employment Estimates Wage Estimates
SOC Code Number Occupation Title Employment (1) Percent of Total Median Hourly Mean Hourly Mean Annual (2) Mean RSE (3)
00-0000 Industry Total 9,240 100.00% $26.68 $33.91 $70,540 4.1 %
Management Occupations top
Employment Estimates Wage Estimates
SOC Code Number Occupation Title Employment (1) Percent of Total Median Hourly Mean Hourly Mean Annual (2) Mean RSE (3)
11-0000 Management Occupations 1,510 16.34% $51.43 $58.02 $120,670 3.4 %
  11-1011 Chief Executives 70 0.76% (5) $87.40 $181,800 8.2 %
  11-1021 General and Operations Managers 460 4.98% $47.88 $53.70 $111,700 6.4 %
  11-3011 Administrative Services Managers 90 0.97% $39.05 $40.48 $84,190 10.5 %
  11-3021 Computer and Information Systems Managers 90 0.97% $56.98 $62.56 $130,120 6.6 %
  11-3031 Financial Managers 660 7.14% $54.77 $60.63 $126,120 5.6 %
Business and Financial Operations Occupations top
Employment Estimates Wage Estimates
SOC Code Number Occupation Title Employment (1) Percent of Total Median Hourly Mean Hourly Mean Annual (2) Mean RSE (3)
13-0000 Business and Financial Operations Occupations 1,780 19.26% $28.86 $33.66 $70,020 3.5 %
  13-1041 Compliance Officers, Except Agriculture, Construction, Health and Safety, and Transportation 270 2.92% $25.12 $30.76 $63,990 10.7 %
  13-2011 Accountants and Auditors 50 0.54% $24.83 $27.44 $57,070 5.6 %
  13-2052 Personal Financial Advisors (6) (6) $37.56 $34.66 $72,090 4.5 %
  13-2061 Financial Examiners 60 0.65% $23.94 $23.19 $48,240 7.1 %
Computer and Mathematical Science Occupations top
Employment Estimates Wage Estimates
SOC Code Number Occupation Title Employment (1) Percent of Total Median Hourly Mean Hourly Mean Annual (2) Mean RSE (3)
15-0000 Computer and Mathematical Science Occupations 900 9.74% $33.87 $35.36 $73,550 2.3 %
  15-1021 Computer Programmers 340 3.68% $31.75 $32.87 $68,360 2.6 %
  15-1031 Computer Software Engineers, Applications 160 1.73% $37.90 $43.18 $89,810 6.5 %
  15-1032 Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software 90 0.97% $43.00 $44.46 $92,480 8.3 %
  15-1041 Computer Support Specialists 50 0.54% $24.79 $24.64 $51,250 3.9 %
  15-1051 Computer Systems Analysts 110 1.19% $35.55 $32.02 $66,610 10.9 %
  15-1061 Database Administrators 30 0.32% $30.10 $28.67 $59,640 4.6 %
  15-1071 Network and Computer Systems Administrators 40 0.43% $30.00 $30.18 $62,770 4.3 %
  15-1081 Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts 90 0.97% $36.98 $36.73 $76,390 4.3 %
Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations top
Employment Estimates Wage Estimates
SOC Code Number Occupation Title Employment (1) Percent of Total Median Hourly Mean Hourly Mean Annual (2) Mean RSE (3)
19-0000 Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations 30 0.32% $28.46 $38.27 $79,600 13.3 %
Legal Occupations top
Employment Estimates Wage Estimates
SOC Code Number Occupation Title Employment (1) Percent of Total Median Hourly Mean Hourly Mean Annual (2) Mean RSE (3)
23-0000 Legal Occupations 200 2.16% $48.61 $50.71 $105,480 3.8 %
  33-9032 Security Guards 160 1.73% $14.59 $16.11 $33,510 11.5 %
Sales and Related Occupations top
Employment Estimates Wage Estimates
SOC Code Number Occupation Title Employment (1) Percent of Total Median Hourly Mean Hourly Mean Annual (2) Mean RSE (3)
41-0000 Sales and Related Occupations 1,310 14.18% $32.08 $42.23 $87,830 10.5 %
  41-3031 Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents 1,120 12.12% $34.05 $44.37 $92,290 11.0 %
Office and Administrative Support Occupations top
Employment Estimates Wage Estimates
SOC Code Number Occupation Title Employment (1) Percent of Total Median Hourly Mean Hourly Mean Annual (2) Mean RSE (3)
43-0000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 3,010 32.58% $17.69 $19.11 $39,750 6.0 %
  43-3031 Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks 80 0.87% $17.08 $18.21 $37,880 4.4 %
  43-4011 Brokerage Clerks 680 7.36% $18.68 $22.00 $45,760 9.9 %
  43-4171 Receptionists and Information Clerks 60 0.65% $12.81 $12.63 $26,270 2.9 %
  43-6011 Executive Secretaries and Administrative Assistants 660 7.14% $21.25 $21.72 $45,180 2.5 %
  43-9011 Computer Operators 120 1.30% $22.42 $24.51 $50,990 14.0 %
  43-9021 Data Entry Keyers 240 2.60% $12.11 $11.82 $24,590 11.9 %
  43-9061 Office Clerks, General (6) (6) $16.02 $15.77 $32,800 3.1 %

About 2002 National Industry-Specific Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates

Estimates for residual, "All Other", occupations are not available.

(1) Data for detailed occupations does not sum to the totals because the totals include data for occupations not shown separately. Estimates do not include self-employed workers.

(2) Annual wages have been calculated by multiplying the hourly mean wage by a "year-round, full-time" hours figure of 2,080 hours; for those occupations where there is not an hourly mean wage published, the annual wage has been directly calculated from the reported survey data.

(3) The relative standard error (RSE) is a measure of the reliability of a survey statistic. The smaller the relative standard error, the more precise the estimate.

(5) = Median hourly wage is equal to or greater than $70.00 per hour.

(6) =Estimates not released.

Other OES estimates and related information:

2002 National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates (cross-industry estimates)

2002 State Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates (cross-industry estimates)

2002 Metropolitan Area Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates (cross-industry estimates)

2002 National Industry-Specific Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates

Technical notes

List of Occupations in SOC Code Number Order

List of Occupations in Alphabetical Order


Last Modified Date: November 26, 2003