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Sample thank you letter

Use a standard business format

John Ryan
15 Spring Road
Hamlet, LS 41112

August 25, 2000

Ms. Susan Carson
Hamlet Child Development Center
Hamlet, LS 41112

Dear Ms. Carson:  Spell the interviewer's name correctly

Thank the interviewer  Thank you for the opportunity to interview with you yesterday afternoon. I am very interested in the childcare position you described.

Highlight your qualifications  My child development classes, summer jobs, and recent volunteer work as a storybook reader at the community center have prepared me well for a preschool teaching position. I am especially interested in the field trip program you mentioned. I would welcome the opportunity to contribute to that effort.

Express interest in the job  I enjoyed meeting you and your staff and look forward to hearing from you soon. If I can provide any additional information, please call me at (555) 555-5555. Place your phone number near the end  Thank you again for your time and consideration.


John Ryan

Sign your first and last name

Ask someone to proofread the letter before you send it
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