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The Heart and Science of Yoga

A Systematic Procedure For Meditation

Meditation, Hatha Yoga, Retreats, Seminars - American Meditation Institute
"Silent Journey," Acrylic on Linen, ©Jenness Cortez Perlmutter

The following "Systematic Procedure" for Meditation is merely presented as an introduction. Any individual seriously interested in learning how to meditate should seek personal instruction from a qualified teacher. For further information, please contact the Institute via e-mail at or by telephone at (518) 674-8714.

  1. Prepare the Body Physically: Meditation is easiest when the body feels fresh, comfortable, relaxed and clean. Taking a shower or even washing your face, hands and feet will give you a fresher feeling. in the morning, your body will feel most comfortable meditating if you empty your bladder and bowels after you rise; then prepare for meditation.
  2. Prayers: This is a good time for your morning or evening prayers if that is part of your own personal tradition.
  3. Relax and Stretch the Muscles: A few minutes of stretching exercise or yoga asanas can create a vast improvement in your meditation.
  4. Breathing Practices (Nadi Shodhana): Seated in your chosen meditation posture, with your eyes gently closed. Complete three rounds of Alternate Nostril Breathing Exercise (Nadi Shodhana).
  5. Relaxation Practice (Survey the Body): Seated in your chosen meditation posture, with your eyes gently closed. Inhale and exhale through the nostrils slowly, smoothly and deeply. There should be no noise, jerks or pauses in the breath; let the inhalations and exhalations flow naturally without exertion in one continuous movement. Keep the body still. mentally travel through the body leading yourself through a brief relaxation exercise, systemically paying attention to each major muscle group, moving progressively down the body from the crown of the head to the toes and back up again.
  6. Sitting in meditation: After completing all preliminary breathing and relaxation exercises you are ready to meditate. Assume your chosen meditation posture either in a straight back chair or in a yoga posture on the floor. Be sure the head, neck and trunk are straight. Next, apply the Finger Lock (the thumb and forefinger together, resting the hands and palms downward). Next apply the Root Lock (tightening the anal sphincter muscle), with your eyes gently closed place your attention on the spot between your eye brows. As you exhale, mentally hear the sound Hum ; as you inhale, mentally hear the sound So. Be aware of each inhalation and exhalation until your breath lengthens and becomes smooth and calm. Inhale and exhale five times with your attention at the bridge between your nostrils using the So-Hum mantra. Next, inhale and exhale five times with your attention moving up and down between the space between your nostrils and the eyebrows. Now, rest your attention on the space between the two eyebrows. This is the place at which you will meditate. Sit quietly without any movement and lovingly repeat your mantra. As thought, images or sounds come into your awareness, do not push them away nor do not be angry at yourself for being a poor meditator. Simply witness the thought and gently withdraw your attention from it and place your attention on your mantra. Continue to hear the sound of your mantra.
  7. Ending Your Meditation: When you are ready to end your meditation, first bring your mental awareness back to your breathing at the space between the nostrils and then to the body in general. Gently wiggle your fingers and toes. Next, make the transition to external awareness by bringing your cups hands over your eyes. As you gently open your eyes into your closed, cupped palms, begin thinking about the Divinity which reside within the Cave of the Heart as you silently repeat these words: "Lead me from the unreal to the real." As you slowly separate the fingers to permit light to reach your awareness silently say "Lead from the darkness to the light". Finally as you slowly place you r hands gently on your thighs say "Lead me from mortality to immortality.

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