U.S. Fish and Wildlife

Region 5 Refuge Trails Data


This data set depicts trails that are located on National Wildlife Refuges. Background information on the effort to inventory and improve trails can be found at http://www.fws.gov/refuges/roads/trails.html.


Files are zipped together, in shapefile format. They are in decimal degrees, NAD83.

Connecticut (24 KB)
Delaware (81 KB)
Maine (203 KB)
Maryland (90 KB)
Massachusetts (64 KB)
New Hampshire (62 KB)
New Jersey (138 KB)
New York (105 KB)
Pennsylvania (85 KB)
Rhode Island (65 KB)
Vermont (75 KB)
Virginia (192 KB)
West Virginia (141 KB)

For additional information regarding this Web page, contact Chris Lett, in the Division of Information Resources and Technology Management, at Chris_Lett@fws.gov

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