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Medical News

Over the past decade, medical professionals have made significant advances in medical technology related to multiple births and premature infants. Research has focused on improving care both during and after pregnancy, which has resulted in better health outcomes for expectant mothers and their newborns. MOST and PreemieCare provide these postings to areas of medical and psychological studies to keep families and medical professionals up-to-date with recent research studies.

Check back for updates each quarter. If you know of a recent study you would like to submit for consideration on this page, or if you have any questions or comments regarding the studies below, please contact MOST.

Note: Although members of the MOST Medical Advisory Board review these entries prior to publication in MOSt's SUPERTWINS magazine and on the website, these entries are not intended as individual medical advice and should not be used in lieu of consulting with a medical professional.







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Visit the PreemieCare NICU Glossary

for a list of medical terms & acronyms.

Also of interest to families, health care providers, and researchers, see the

MOST recommendations on fertility treatments. (PDF)

Other Quality Sources for Medical Research & Information

MOST is recognized as a trusted and recommended link for health information on multiple births by HealthFinder, a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website that provides reliable online health information.


Updated 12/15/08

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