
2-1-1 Greater Twin Cities United Way

Provides accurate and up-to-date information on resources available in local communities in the Greater Twin Cities area. It's free, confidential and available 24/7.

Addiction Treatment Information & Support - Minnesota

Provides links to information on treatment centers and programs by client type and special focus, including chronic pain and treatment vs. jail. Also provides information on programs for specific types of drug addictions and programs for specific age groups and gender.

Air Force Aid Society (AFAS) Locations in Minnesota

AFAS provides emergency assistance, education programs and community programs to airmen and their families.

Bridging - Housewares for Homes in Transition

Non-profit organization that works with social services agencies to provide eligible households all of the furnishings to set up a home for a $45 fee.

Disabled Sports USA (DS/USA) Minnesota Chapters

List of DS/USA Chapters in Minnesota. Established by disabled Vietnam Veterans, DS/USA offers sports rehabilitation programs, including winter skiing, aqua sports, competition, and special sports events, to anyone with a permanent disability.

Emergency Preparedness for the State of Minnesota

Provides information for residents on how to prepare for and manage disasters and emergencies.

General Assistance Program

Serves as Minnesota's primary safety net for single adults and childless couples. The GA program provides monthly cash grants for vulnerable persons whose income and resources are less than program limits.

Minnesota Alliance of Information & Referral Systems (MNAIRS)

Promotes awareness of information and referral services in Minnesota and advocates for public interests.

Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs LinkVet Call Center

Provides information on Veterans' benefits, health care, education and reintegration. The number also offers Crisis Connection counselors 24-hours a day, seven days a week (including holidays) for immediate crisis intervention and psychological counseling.

Minnesota Food Assistance Program

Helps low income people buy the food they need for good health. You apply for benefits by completing a state application form.

Minnesota Help - Disability Link

Provides resources for Minnesotans with disabilities or chronic illnesses and their families or representatives. Call the Disability Linkage Line 1-866-333-2466 for help with benefits coordination. Provides expertise in benefits assistance and consultation, especially the disability review process through Social Security.

Minnesota Help - Senior Link

Provides statewide community resources for seniors, their families and caregivers. Call the Senior LinkAge Line 1-800-333-2433, the State Health Insurance Assistance program and Medicare-designated counseling entity, which also serves older veterans with health insurance problems including coordination of benefits.

Minnesota Help - Services for Veterans

Provides statewide resource information for Minnesota Veterans and their families. For assistance, veterans can call the Veterans Linkage Line at 1-800-LINKVET (546-5838).

Minnesota Library for the Blind & Physically Handicapped

Provides library services to eligible Minnesotans who are legally blind or visually handicapped, physically disabled or reading disabled.

Minnesota National Guard

Provides information and resources related to the Minnesota National Guard.

Minnesota Offers Treatment to Veterans Who Commit Crimes

Article discusses the sentence-mitigation bill for Veterans facing criminal prosecution who suffer from combat related mental health disorders.

Minnesota State Soldiers Assistance Program

Provides cash assistance in the form of shelter payments (rent and mortgage), utilities, and personal needs grants to Veterans who are unable to work as a result of temporary disability.

Minnesota State Summary of VA Programs & Services

Fact sheet that describes the full range of VA programs, benefits and services available to Veterans and their families in Minnesota. Resources include information on health care facilities, counseling centers and vocational rehabilitation. Download the VA's Minnesota fact sheet.

Minnesota Transition Assistance Advisor (TAA)

Statewide point of contact to assist members in accessing Veterans Affairs benefits and healthcare services. Download the TAA contact list to find the Transition Assistance Advisor information for Minnesota.

Minnesota Women Veterans Program

Program ensures that women Veterans have equitable access to federal and state benefits and services.

MySTATE Directories of Services - Minnesota

List of organizations in Minnesota that provide special discounts and services to members of the military community, including directories, locations of programs and services, maps and directions.

National Association of Counties (NACo)

Represents more than 2,000 counties across the U.S. NACo also provides links to important contacts and resources in Minnesota counties such as Congressional districts and census data. For more information visit the Web site of the Association of Minnesota Counties.

National Governors Association (NGA)

Provides governors with services that include representing states in Washington, DC on key issues and developing policy reports on innovative state programs. NGA addresses areas that include education, health, and technology and welfare reform. Visit NGAs Web site for information about Minnesota state government.

National League of Cities (NLC)

Works to strengthen and promote cities as centers of opportunity, leadership and governance. NLC also provides contact information for many cities and towns in Minnesota to connect you to the programs and services they offer in your community.

State Policy Focus - Veterans

Provides an overview of Veterans behavioral health care legislation in 2007, including legislation related to mental health and substance use/abuse treatment and alternative sentencing.

Telephone Service Discount Programs

Provide low-income individuals with new telephone service installations and monthly telephone service discounts.

The Compassionate Friends (TCF)

TCF chapters offer help with grief resolution after the death of a child. To find your local chapter, use the Chapter Locator and select your state from the drop down menu on the page.

VA Vet Centers in Minnesota

Vet Centers provide readjustment counseling and outreach services to all Veterans who served in any combat zone and to their families for military-related issues.

Wounded Warrior Battalion East

Provides assistance to wounded, ill and injured Marines, Sailors attached to or in support of Marine units, and their family members throughout the phases of recovery.
  • The White House
  • USA.gov: The U.S. government's official web portal.

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