Payton Payton's Story
On August 6, 2001, our little boy was born in conditions that were not optimal...
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Pat Pat's Story
My husband Pat deployed to Iraq with the Arrowhead brigade in June 20...
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Gianna Gianna's Story
Initially we were told by the pediatrician that it was nothing—that she had simply been moving her eyes in an unusual way…
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Amanda Amanda's Story
The thing I remember most about Amanda’s epilepsy diagnosis is stepping outside the hospital doors one blue-skied summer day…
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Stacy Stacy's Story
For the rest of our lives, we will never forget February 2, 1999. It’s a day that forever changed our lives…
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Gen Gen's Story
If you are reading this, it is probably because someone you love suffers from seizures…
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Charlie Charlie's Story
For me, the hardest part of Charlie’s seizures was seeing his eyes. You don’t hear much about the eyes…
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Adam Adam's Story
As Adam napped peacefully after a trip to the doctor..., I went for a run, unaware of how our lives were about to change…
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Susan Susan's Story
The morning after my only child Matthew was born, I had a stroke. To save my life, doctors performed emergency brain surgery…
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Rebecca Rebecca's Story
The other night... our 10-year-old daughter Rebecca had what we think was her 10,000th epileptic seizure…
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Elizabeth Elizabeth's Story
I awoke feeling so proud on Elizabeth's 16th birthday. Despite being born severely disabled...
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Evan Evan's Story
At 15 months, our son Evan was a typical child. Suddenly, that all changed…
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Michael Michael's Story
Before the age of two, Michael was developing normally. He was a happy, healthy toddler...
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Lauren Lauren's Story
If I told you about the day our lives changed forever, when I found her lying blue and limp in her crib…
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Julie Julie's Story
Julie has had seizures at the Milwaukee Zoo. She’s had seizures at Disney World...
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Chris Chris' Story
Our son Chris was a senior in college, ten weeks shy of graduation...
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Savannah A Mother's Search
According to my records, I've witnessed 18,737 seizures - a remarkable number...
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