Environmental Exposures

Agent Orange & Prostate Cancer

Describes how prostate cancer is detected and treated and the potential connection between exposure to Agent Orange and an increased risk of getting prostate cancer.

Agent Orange Fact Sheets from the VA

Designed to help Vietnam Veterans, their families and others concerned about the possible health effects from exposure to herbicides during the Vietnam War.

Air Pollution & Respiratory Health Program

Leads the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) fight against environmental-related respiratory illnesses, including asthma, and studies indoor and outdoor air pollution.

Chemical-Biological (CB) Warfare Exposures Web Site

Provides Service Members, Veterans, their families and the public with information on what happened during CB testing conducted years ago that potentially affected the health of those who served.

Deployment Health & Readiness Library - Depleted Uranium

Provides important facts and frequently asked questions about depleted uranium (DU) and the possible health affects of exposure to DU.

Deployment Health Clinical Center (DHCC) Gulf War Deployments - Environmental Exposures

Provides information on insecticides commonly used in the Gulf, acute symptoms of exposure and clinical significance.

HealthFinder.gov - Respiratory Diseases

Provides links to resources and information regarding respiratory diseases such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), asthma and bronchitis.

Institute of Medicine Projects & Reports Related to the U.S. Military & Veterans

Contains a list of current projects and reports concerning the U.S. military and Veterans, including the Institute of Medicine's work on Agent Orange and Gulf War Syndrome.

Leptospirosis - Frequently Asked Questions

Provides information about Leptospirosis, which is a disease caused by exposure to contaminated water.

U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion & Preventive Medicine - Facts About Leptospirosis

Facts and frequently asked questions about Leptospirosis, which is caused by exposure to contaminated water.

VA - Agent Orange

Provides information for Veterans, their families and others about VA health care programs related to Agent Orange.

VA Environmental Agents Service

Provides information for Veterans, their families and others about VA health care programs related to environmental issues.

VA Environmental Agents Service - Operations Iraqi Freedom & Enduring Freedom (OIF/OEF)

Provides information for Veterans, their families and others about VA health care programs related to military service in Iraq and Afghanistan.

VA Environmental Agents Service - War-Related Illness & Injury Study Centers (WRIISCs)

Provides information on VA's three WRIISC's, which provide specialized health care, research, education and outreach for combat veterans with difficult to diagnose conditions.

VA Special Health Registry Examination Programs

Provides information on health registries for eligible Veterans to determine if health problems may be related to environmental exposures during military service. Registries include Gulf War, depleted uranium, Agent Orange and ionizing radiation.
  • The White House
  • USA.gov: The U.S. government's official web portal.

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