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Endometriosis Research Center
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Delray Beach, FL 33444 USA

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Dull aching and cramping can occur during menstruation in many women and teens, due to uterine contractions and the release of various hormones, including those known as prostaglandins.  However, period pain that becomes so debilitating it renders you unable to go about your normal routine is not ordinary or typical!  Pain is your body's way of signaling that something is wrong.  If you are suffering from pelvic pain, an Endometriosis diagnosis should be considered.

Do you have Endometriosis?

Review the following questions and consider if they apply to you.
Print this page, fill in the appropriate answers, and take this sheet to your gynecologist for further discussion.

YES            NO
_____          _____ Do you experience so much pain during or around your period that you find yourself unable to work, attend school or social functions, or go about your normal routine?

_____          _____ Do you have any relatives that have been diagnosed with Endometriosis?

_____          _____ Do you find yourself with painful abdominal bloating, swelling or tenderness at any time in your cycle?

_____          _____ Do you have a history of painful ovarian endometriomas ("chocolate cysts")?

_____          _____ Do you have a history of miscarriage, infertility or ectopic pregnancy?

_____          _____ Do you experience gastrointestinal symptoms during your cycle, such as nausea or vomiting and/or painful abdominal cramping accompanied by diarrhea and/or constipation?

_____          _____ Do you have a history of fatigue and/or a lowered immunity (i.e., "sick and tired" all the time)?

_____          _____ Do you have a history of allergies, which tend to worsen around your periods?

_____          _____ If you are sexually active, do you experience pain during sexual activity?

_____          _____ Do you suffer from any other autoimmune diseases (i.e., thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia, or multiple sclerosis)?

_____       _____ Have you ever undergone pelvic surgery like a laparoscopy, in which Endometriosis was suspected but not definitively diagnosed?

If you have answered "yes" to any of these questions,
you could have Endometriosis.

Know the Facts:
Endometriosis can affect women and teens of all ages, even those as young as 10 and as old as 85.

Hysterectomy, menopause and pregnancy are NOT cures for Endometriosis; in fact, there is no definitive cure.

Delayed childbearing is NOT what causes Endometriosis; in fact, no one really knows for sure what causes the disease, but research points to multi-factorial origins like heredity, immunology and exposure to environmental toxicants.

Endometriosis can ONLY be diagnosed via surgery; diagnostic tests like MRIs and ultrasounds are not definitive.

GnRH therapy like Lupron should never be administered in
those patients under 18 or before a surgical diagnosis.

DOWNLOAD a copy of our FREE Screening Education Kit!!!

You CAN live well in spite of Endometriosis.

Material presented herein is offered for informational purposes only.  This material is not intended to offer or replace medical advice offered by your personal physicians or healthcare professionals.  Additionally, the Endometriosis Research Center does not recommend or endorse any physicians, medications, organizations or treatment methods.  Please consult your personal physician or other medical professional for treatments and diagnoses.  All material © 1997-2005 by the Endometriosis Research Center except where otherwise explicitly noted.  All rights reserved. No part of this presentation may be reproduced or utilized in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the ERC.  Original Date of Publication: January 1998.  Date of Revision: April 2005.  No financial support was received for the production of this material from any external source.

The Endometriosis Research Center  is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization.  A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling 1-800-435-7352 toll-free within the State of Florida. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval or recommendation by the State. Registration #SC-07844.  Donations are received 100% by the ERC.