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New Tuberculosis Dispensary Features State-of-the-Art Ventilation System

On July 1, Vladimir’s Oblast Administration held a ceremony to inaugurate its new Tuberculosis (TB) Dispensary. The dispensary includes a new ventilation system financed by USAID as part of a broader TB prevention and control program in the region. This ventilation system, designed by a Russian environmental health firm with assistance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, is considered to be the best in the country and was featured in a Vladimir news report. The new ventilation system will reduce the spread of TB within the hospital and make the hospital safer for patients and workers. USAID supplied other important infection control equipment, including ventilators, respirators, and masks. The Vladimir TB Dispensary is intended to be a model for other TB hospitals throughout Russia. The governing authorities in Vladimir have demonstrated their commitment by increasing the oblast’s TB control budget.

Guests suit up at the opening ceremony for the lab ventilation system in Vladimir TB Dispensary
Guests suit up at the opening ceremony for the lab ventilation system in Vladimir TB Dispensary

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