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Experts Give High Ratings to Russian Maternal and Child Health Program

During April, a team representing USAID’s Director of Health for the E&E region, USAID/Russia and experts from the program’s implementing partner John Snow International traveled to Russia to conduct a mid-term evaluation of USAID’s Maternal and Child Health Initiative (MCHI). The evaluation team found that the project models are being integrated at a very impressive pace with considerable investments from the regional government and that the MCHI project is considered a model activity for the CIS region. The MCHI project operates in 14 regions and enjoys frequent positive attention from regional media. Following this positive evaluation, USAID/Washington is seeking additional funds for Russia’s MCH/Family planning programs. Any additional funds received will likely be used to strengthen reproductive health and family planning activities in Russia, and assure the activities’ integration into HIV treatment and care programs. Additional funding may also allow USAID to expand the activities in the Russian Far East.

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