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IVLP Alumni, USAID Partner to Coordinate on Domestic Violence

On December 8, 2008, participants of the recent International Visitor Program “Improving Law Enforcement and Judicial Response to Domestic Violence” met with USAID and Moscow-based representatives of the USAID-funded American Bar Association/Rule of Law Initiative (ABA/ROLI) to share lessons learned from their recent three-week visit to the United States. While in the U.S., Russian professionals visited NGOs, social service providers, law enforcement and judicial departments, and relevant government agencies in Washington DC, Seattle, Tulsa, Jacksonville, and New York City. IVLP participants were impressed by the sophisticated level of multi-agency collaboration in American communities that facilitates a coordinated response to domestic violence. The December meeting energized both the exchange program alumni and ABA/ROLI to develop new ways to coordinate their efforts on addressing domestic violence and protecting the victims of domestic violence in Russia.

During their visit to Seattle, Russian delegates met with the Honorable John C. Coughenour, Federal District Court Judge for the Western District of Washington.
During their visit to Seattle, Russian delegates met with the Honorable John C. Coughenour, Federal District Court Judge for the Western District of Washington.

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