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Healthy Lifestyles for Youth Project Eyes Expansion

USAID’s project on healthy lifestyles for vulnerable youth, implemented by the Healthy Russia Foundation in cooperation with Johns Hopkins University, garnered new support from several regions during the Ministry of Education’s All-Russia Congress of Schools on November 18-19, 2008. Results from the Healthy Russia 2020 pilot programs in Irkutsk and Sakhalin were presented to more than 800 education officials, school principals, teachers, scientists and health care providers in attendance.

Representatives from the regions of Ryazan, Uliyanovsk, Tuva, Volgograd and Moscow expressed their willingness to implement the project, and a representative of the Federal Institute of Education Development offered to help promote the project at the federal level. Healthy Russia 2020 also remains active in the pilot regions: the Irkutsk Oblast Ministry of Education confirmed that it will co-fund a region-wide roll out of the project, while the Sakhalin Oblast Institute for Teacher Training hosted a visit by Ambassador John Beyrle and Vladivostok Consul General Thomas Armbruster.

The Healthy Russia 2020 project works through local NGOs to reach vulnerable youth in juvenile homes, vocational and other schools, and rehabilitation centers with messages to discourage substance abuse, risky sexual behavior, violence, and to encourage exercise, good nutrition, effective communication, and other life skills.

Ambassador Beyrle and Vladivostok Consul General Armbruster with youth participants of the Healthy Russia 2020 project.
Ambassador Beyrle and Vladivostok Consul General Armbruster with youth participants of the Healthy Russia 2020 project.

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