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USAID and Russian Government to Cooperate in Combating HIV/AIDS

On July 20, USAID and the Government of St. Petersburg signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) to combat HIV/AIDS. USAID and the city of St. Petersburg have had a successful partnership for a number of years, but the MOC formalizes the relationship and confirms a joint commitment to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS and to support families and individuals affected by the illness.

St. Petersburg is one of two focus regions in Russia for U.S. Government efforts on HIV/AIDS. These joint efforts contribute to the existing St. Petersburg Action Plan on HIV/AIDS and the National Priority Project on HIV/AIDS, enabling expansion of prevention messages, further outreach to at-risk groups and an increase in programs for treatment and care. In addition to officials from USAID and the City Government, the Acting U.S. Consul General, a large number of medical and social welfare professionals, and representatives of USAID implementing partners were present at the signing. The event was widely publicized in the Russian press both before and after the signing of the MOC.

In the current political environment in Russia, the readiness of St. Petersburg, Russia’s “second capital,” to formalize its partnership with USAID signals both the city government’s commitment to fighting HIV/AIDS and its regard for USAID as a partner.

Acting USAID Director Janina Jaruzelski exchanges signed originals of MOC with St. Petersburg officials
Acting USAID Director Janina Jaruzelski exchanges signed originals of MOC with St. Petersburg officials

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