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Primorskiy Kray Funds Anti-Trafficking Event

As a follow-up to NGO/local government collaboration this summer in Nakhodka, NGO and local officials participated in an anti-trafficking conference in Vladivostok on August 30. The conference aimed to reinforce and expand relations between civil society and local government in the Russian Far East. It was inspired by the USAID-funded Path to Success! summer forum entitled, "Human Trafficking: the Real Danger of the Modern World." Financial support for the forum was provided from the Primorskiy Kray budget.

The Nakhodka forum was organized jointly by four local NGOs – Far Eastern Center, Center of Prevention of Socially Significant Problems, You Are Not Alone and Rostok – and marked the first time that a government administration has sponsored a human trafficking prevention event in the Russian Far East.

Participants pose for the camera at an anti-trafficking forum in Nakhodka
Participants pose for the camera at an anti-trafficking forum in Nakhodka

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