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Social Partnership Looks to Replicate Russian Success in Ukraine

From June 14th – 16th, representatives from USAID/Russia, USAID/Ukraine, and from USAID/Russia’s implementing partners participated in the annual meeting of the Coordination Council on Social Partnership of the SUAL Company, held this year in Zaporozhye, Ukraine. The Coordination Council includes mayors of all cities where SUAL – a global top ten, fully integrated aluminum company – has a business presence. Russian President Putin’s Advisor Sergei Samoilov and representatives from the Russian Embassy in Kiev as well as the Ukrainian Ministry of Industrial Policy attended the event, which was covered extensively by Ukrainian national TV and print media. 

USAID/Russia’s partners described development achievements in the USAID/SUAL Russian pilot communities and held discussions with the mayors of these pilot cities on the progress of work. The Mayor of Kamensk-Uralski praised the work of the USAID-supported Siberian Center, which has significantly increased civic activism and community interest in the city’s decision-making.   

USAID and SUAL hope to replicate the development successes achieved by the partnership in Russia in Ukraine.

Located on the Dniepr River, Zaporozhye produces more than half of Ukraine's stainless steel and ball bearings, a third of its cold-rolled steel sheets, and about half of its transformers
Located on the Dniepr River, Zaporozhye produces more than half of Ukraine’s stainless steel and ball bearings, a third of its cold-rolled steel sheets, and about half of its transformers
Photo Credit: Denis Korepanov

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